Sunday, June 8, 2014

Many were conspicuous by their absence

Many were conspicuous by their absence

Some of Auntie’s team were at the rally for Valley View today and noticed a good turnout. There are many folks who are legitimately concerned about the turn of events regarding Valley View.

Legislators Anagnostakis, Kemnitz, Turnbull and Sullivan were there. And it was nice Assemblywoman Gunther and a representative for Assemblyman Skoufis were there as well.

But there was no media coverage and there were certain elected officials who were expected and were not there.

And, of course, The County Executive wasn’t there bleating about the deficit; he probably did not think he would have a sympathetic audience. (And he would be correct.)

Auntie was disappointed about reports of lambasting Republicans in general because this issue is not necessarily about political party but about (as Mike Anagnostakis was reported to have said) “BROKEN PROMISES”.

Auntie will go further than that: It is about candidates who LIED to get into office.  

And Auntie Alibi’s team doesn’t like when anyone does that, no matter the party.

Right, Curlie?        


My priorities as county legislator will be as follows:
5. I will fight to keep Valley View Nursing Home as a county-owned and run facility.


  1. Darn. Now that is just down right dirty politics when you quote a politician's CAMPAIGN promises to him and compare his post election actions.

  2. Auntie, your reference and Mr. A's about this being a 'non-political issue' really struck a cord with me. It is not a political issue but a moral issue. It has nothing to do with what party you belong to, but everything to do with what kind of person you were raised to be and if you are a just and decent citizen who cares about your fellow man. I reread all of the campaign promises made by our newly elected officials and am ashamed to now say what a fool we all were to have believed these hollow promises. Something is very wrong within this administration and it starts at the top. I doubt seriously, going on, in the next agendas when a vote is taken, I will ever trust certain legislators and the man at the top with anything presented that requires a yea/nay. I feel betrayed and I wish more people would see this for themselves... or have they. I hope Mr. Dillard was justly rewarded.

  3. Curlie Dillard wasn't sharp enough to broaden the language of his campaign promise so that he had deniaiblity; like when the CE said he.would keep Valley View "open" and.everyone.just assumed that he just meant county owned

  4. That happens when people make assumptions about what he meant. Valley View will remain open. At Valley View there need to be made changes in personnel, there are employees that need to be removed that are not doing their jobs. The place lacks cleanliness. Too many supervisors.

  5. Valley View Needs to be privatized.

  6. Valley View needs to be stopped from being the prize of certain businessmen who were instrumental in financially trying to ruin it. OAS, with the blessings of the former CE and his top consorts did everything they could to engage in deliberate destruction. Make it private... you have to be joking. Have you who posted at 11:17 am ever walked into a private...well do that before you talk to me about 'cleanliness'. And too many supervisors... again, tell me how many over staffed county positions are there. I see them all the time and I do not exactly think they accomplish much between checking their emails (which they do not answer), checking their phone messages (which they do not answer), coffee breaks, LONG lunches, more coffee breaks, more checking messages ... what exactly do these county workers do in their lush offices with new furniture, lounges, water coolers, while the staff at Valley View (the nurses, aides, housekeepers, etc.) hit the floor running and never stop and have supervisors watching their every move...making sure Valley View runs like a tight ship. I dare you to walk into one of the local privates here in OC and smell the cleanliness. I for one am tired of calling the CE's office and getting nowhere. At least I know at Valley View I am getting more for my tax dollar. I hope I am not paying for your salary too.

  7. Valley View needs to be privatized? WHY? Is it because you don't want your taxes to go towards, seniors, veterans and those in need of rehab? What? do you hate old people? Your tax dollars go towards schools whether or not you have children in the system. Are you complaining about that? And the schools cost alot more than the taxes you pay toward Valley View!
    Yeah, privatize Valley View so that certain former county big shots can make money. Are you part of the back room deals?

    1. I am a senior and cannot afford higher taxes.

  8. Hey, Auntie, if there ever was a bogus posting it is the one before me, supposedly a Senior complaining that they can't afford higher taxes.
    If they really are a Senior, do they even know how much they are paying for Valley View thru their taxes? And who said anything about HIGHER taxes because of Valley View?
    Dear Senior, you will be paying higher taxes to support the executive salaries and the raises Stevie and the boys got, long before you would be paying higher taxes for VV.


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