Sunday, October 26, 2014

Our Government at Work

Dear Nieces and Nephews, here is an example of something that Auntie thinks you should (if you ever engaged in this behavior) outgrow by the age of 10 or 11 years old. Name Calling.

Sean Maloney is Phony Baloney - so says bologna-slinger Nan Hayworth - Campaign Ad

What is really sad is that one of the people engaging in this stupid and immature (no other words will do) excuse for a campaign piece is the CHAIRPERSON of the Orange County Republican Committee!!! Is this supposed to be an example of LEADERSHIP? It is more like the behavior of the Queen Nasty Girl in High School as she dunks someones head in the locker room toilet bowl. Baloney, indeed!

And former Congresswoman Nan "approved this message"? Will anyone vote for her after this? Even if she should plunk another million of her own money into the campaign coffers, we don't think so. And she is so proud to be a radical. Before you use a term, Nan perhaps you should know what it means. Or did you really mean to convey this?
RADICAL: favoring drastic political, economic, or social reforms: radical ideas; radical and anarchistic ideologues. (underline ours) from
Perhaps you are now a devotee of Sol Alinsky? After all, he wrote the book on radicals.

Back to Courtney: While she is phoney baloney-ing, look at today's THR voter fraud story.

What are you doing about that Courtney? You do have a position of responsibility at the Board of Elections. Even if the County Executive takes a back seat on this issue, let's hope you're not in the back with him.

Voter Fraud, what's that?

The Republicans, Democrats and Independents on Aunties team are very dismayed.

On another note, Since there has been such a demand for Auntie to publish  photos, she will do so as a Novemeber Surprise!!! Be careful what you wish for...


At October 27, 2014 at 3:27 AM , Blogger Chris Pawelski said...

This ad is disturbing on numerous levels.

I found it to be childish and silly. It made claims about Maloney votes on certain issues but no citations, attribution or specifics on those votes, just claims. Weird.

It also claimed Maloney voted for amnesty for illegal aliens or something to that effect. I don't know what vote that was, but I do know Maloney supported the Senate's comprehensive immigration reform legislation.

But here is the kicker, in the recent debates and in interviews Hayworth, who while in office supported such things as e-verify (see this thread for the details: has now come clearly in favor of comprehensive immigration reform.

So a commercial slamming her opponent with the red meat line of "amnesty for illegal aliens" really smacks of a flip flop of epic proportions.

Why is she doing that? All I can figure is something in her internal polls is telling her the 3rd party Smith guy who is anti immigrant must be cutting into or eroding some of her hard right support.

Back in February she blabbed insincerely with Alan Chartock about comprehensive immigration reform:

Article states about the first debate back on October 7th between Hayworth and Maloney:

"Two areas of agreement emerged. Both voiced support for the comprehensive immigration reform bill that passed the Senate"

Her attack in that baloney commercial is so slimy it is unbelievable.

At October 27, 2014 at 3:31 AM , Blogger Chris Pawelski said...

She actually has a handout/mailer that is far more outrageous in terms of the anti-immigrant stuff. This link will take you to pictures of it:

My comments on it (click on the link and view it, it must be viewed to be believed):

I find this mailing to be totally fascinating. My guess, she is doing polling that is telling her Smith (who best I can tell is hard right on immigration issues) is eating into her far right support. Hence this disturbing mailing and the throw away line in that dreadful commercial.

She is counting on the fact that the people she is appealing to in these mailers and in the tv spot do not listen to her on WAMC or actually pay attention to what she has said multiple times in the debates ... that she too supports the Senate's Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill that Maloney also supports.

Folks, this is deeply disturbing cynical politics at its worst.

Here is Smith's position on this issue ... I guarantee you he is eating into her support and this is why you are seeing this sort of knuckle-dragging stuff in these mailings.


The flow of people across our border must be stopped. It is a significant security issue and it results in substantial strain on our institutions. Unfortunately our government has chosen to play the part of two people arguing over what to do with the water that is flowing into their leaky boat and never stopping to plug the hole. Even worse, they are committed to continuing their argument at the bottom of the sea. This is unacceptable. The border must be secured. Doing so will allow us to focus more fully on reforming our immigration policies.

I support expanding opportunities for legal immigration, but there must at the same time be effective regulation and enforcement of immigration policy and law. We have seen the cost of inefficient regulation and lax enforcement before and I hope we never do again.

I do not believe there should be a path to citizenship for people in the country illegally. It would reward criminal behavior, and it provides too tempting of an incentive for irresponsible governing in the form of a large block of voters to appeal to.

Some are suggesting that recent events at the border, specifically the influx of a large number of unaccompanied minors into our country and their subsequent disbursement to various states, and the recent respiratory illness outbreaks across the country are perhaps related. I do not believe that enough information is available publicly to make that connection. I do however find myself wondering whether any consideration at all was given to the public health ramifications of the government's actions, or if such thoughts were banished by political considerations.

At October 27, 2014 at 4:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your facts Mr. P. do well to compliment Auntie's posting. And Mr. Smith brings up some interesting points regarding public health issues. Most or all of these illegals are most likely not vaccinated in the most elemental childhood diseases.

At October 27, 2014 at 10:47 AM , Blogger Chris Pawelski said...

Sadly, thanks to celebrity dimwits like Jenny McCarthy (amongst a few others) "Illegals" aren't the only ones not getting vaccinated.

At October 28, 2014 at 4:57 AM , Anonymous Dan Castricone said...

Hello Auntie- Wanted to share this with you.- What this election is really about. Please watch- and share! Everyone in Rockland and Orange counties needs to see this. It's short and to the point and explains the issues we face.

At October 28, 2014 at 10:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A must see 3 minute video in last post above!!

At October 29, 2014 at 4:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you watched the Sean v Nan debate last night you heard Nan brag about how she helped the black dirt farmers after the storm. The two farmers that she helped are now OC legislators. One was Paul Reskewich, I forget the other one. She lied quite a few times, and when the announcer introduced her, he said she was a lifelong resident of the Hudson Valley! She born and raised in Indiana! I wonder where the announcer got that from!

At October 30, 2014 at 10:50 AM , Blogger Chris Pawelski said...

She did NOTHING to help out the farmers in the black dirt, post Irene. Wait till my memoir eventually gets published, I thoroughly detail what this dreadful liar did and didn't do in our behalf.

Bottom line, House leadership blocked an ad-hoc crop loss program. She supported that position. This was told to me by every office I visited on the Hill, including Rep. Gibson's office. It was also confirmed via an e-mail sent by her Legislative Director to a local Tea Party activist.

All she did was back some pretty routine programs that did very little to help us, and she wasn't even responsible for them, she merely signed on.

Read this thread for more details as to how bad she was on farming issues while in office:

She lies whenever she opens her mouth.


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