Friday, January 9, 2015


Dear Nieces and Nephews,

Who's going to win the Smackdown?


  1. I have been involved in public policy activities on all levels of government for over 18 years and I have never, ever, ever, seen anything like this as to what as transpired in the last couple of days.

    The Chronicle piece by Edie Johnson should seriously be submitted for awards and Chris McKenna's update in The Fray is amazing.

    Not sure who will win (though I actually give major props to Brescia for doing what he did in public) but sadly the people of Orange County will continue to lose.

  2. I agree, it is the people who are losing with this so-called representation.
    But Neuhaus is the worst. He proposes laws and then vetos them. He claims to want to "communicate" with the legislators and then bypasses committees on important decisions like the consolidation of already short staffed and overloaded departments.
    He is his own worst enemy and he just doesn't get it.

  3. Mr. Neuhaus will win and Mr. Brescia will be knockout by second round. As Mr. Neuhaus said Mr. Brescia should be happy with two salaries and benefit package.

  4. Steve will win because that's what he does, he survives and thrives by manipulation.

  5. Dear Niece Angeline, thank you for participating! Auntie and the Team welcome you to the fold.

  6. Steve makes more money than the governor! I hope Brescia takes him down in the second round! Smackdown steves!

  7. Who will win may be the question but more importantly, who will loose. It is apparent it will be the people of Orange County. Mr. B is a loyal politico, always has been and has enjoyed the rewards of that loyalty. From youthful discretions to help along the way as an adult the "Party" has supported him. Mr. N on the other hand has been feeding from the public troth since he was old enough to drive to Albany and learn the art of butt kissing and has kissed his way right to the top; deceiving even the best of those who know the political business with "sincere" promises of whatever you want to hear when you talk with him. No Auntie, we the people are the losers but take heart, one year has passed, one more to go and then the bright light of hope as new candidates for the top jog and legislature begin to appear. Certainly Mr. N realizes that this is a one time thing for him along with some of his team notably Sherriff Kenneth Jones, Oh oh, I mean DuBoise and a handful of Legislators who will follow him over the edge. Yes, we may be the losers now but we have what Mr. N and the legislators do not have; time.

  8. People are rightfully asking the question: Is Mr. Neuhaus really ready for prime time? After 1 full year, the answer should be quite clear. Having only served in political offices and a term as supervisor of a relatively small community, Chester, it
    is apparent that he is in way over his head. Remember the slick campaign PR? That was all it was---tell people what they want to hear and they will vote for you, which they did. And now look what we are living with?

    The only way things will change is if people educate themselves and don't buy the "packaged" candidate, paid for by all the special interests. Remember how he called Roxanne just an activist? Certainly can't apply that label to Mr. N.


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