Annexation Meeting Aftermath
Dearest Nieces and Nephews, Your Auntie was there, along
with some of the Team. We were at the big Annexation meeting in Central Valley
last Thursday. Auntie has copies of the handouts that were dispensed by the
County operatives.
Only Stevie Thunder could take an issue of such serious
magnitude and make it all about him. And it’s a good thing he hired FOCUS MEDIA
to help him get the word out.
Steve in the News: all the news that fits he prints! In 2014
Steve ASKED Martens of the DEC to let counties be lead agencies; he SAID the KJ
annexation was handled poorly (wow, what power talk!) and he ISSUED A STATEMENT
that counties should be lead agencies. In other words, he did nothing.
What about 2013 Stevie? What about your promise to “direct
the County Attorney” to stop any annexation attempt?
Annexation is not
about press releases and tooting your own horn, nor is it about blaming State
Senators and Assembly members on almost
every page of your handout for not acting on your stupid suggestion (remember home
rule? See Auntie’s post on February 26th this year). It is about a
threat to our way of life and having another group’s folkways and mores imposed
on the rest of us. It is about letting a group with a definitive religious culture
use that religion as an excuse to avoid social responsibility to their
neighbors, the environment and the nation.
Your “mock” SEQR review is a mockery of the environmental
laws and your “key players” are players without any capability to directly influence
this process. Sort of like toothless tigers but in your case, weasel.
Why haven’t you, as County Executive, joined the lawsuit that
has already been initiated, all you have to do is “direct your attorney".
As a Lieutenant in the US Navy, you are in a position of
leadership and should make decisions without waffling! After all, what exactly did
they teach you at the War College: charge forward, retreat or do nothing?
Maybe, just maybe, you SHOULD have stood in the road with
your arms crossed!
It is Aunties opinion that it won’t be long before Mr. Bharara
turns his attention to corruption in OC.
We can see it now: “Do
you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth or the Orange County truth?
From the Agenda for the Rules meeting today, Wednesday. All that money for a "Nothing" , non binding, toothless report!
Request supplemental appropriation to the 2015 Planning Department budget in the amount of $200,000.00 in order to prepare an environmental impact statement and complete other analysis in relation to the proposed annexation of land into the Village of Kiryas Joel
Oh how I hope I am reading this agenda item wrong in thinking that OC will prepare an EIS for KJ??? Why would the County do that, they should be reviewing the EIS that is prepared BY KJ. Oh, that's right, Steve is playing make believe that OC is the lead agency on the annexation. Silly me......
My God -- if they just waste all this money to prepare a report that says the same things that KJ says, that says everything is fine, well he should be in jail then.
And now he wants to control the pipeline and have orange county pay for it! Can we impeach this s.o.b?
Mr. Neuhaus is so in over his head. I hope people held onto his campaign literature and review if once in awhile. What he said and what he is doing are totally different. But then, sadly enough people bought his literature and heard what they wanted to hear which is how he got elected.
We all know he is a no good liar, how do we get rid of him?
$200,000 to HIRE an outside company to do an EIS? And here he's giving the impression the County is broke...Doesn't the Orange County "Planning Department" get paid big bucks to do this sort of thing on its own? Why hasn't Tugboat Stevie directed them to do so?
Preet Bharara has also initiated investigations in Rockland and Westchester Counties. Orange County may very well be next (wink wink, nudge nudge). Tugboat Stevie better batten down the hatches and secure the Poop Deck, because he's the only one who is going to be left holding the bag. He'll see just how many "friends" he really has.
Dain was the first one to abandon ship, let's see how long Harry Porr lasts.
if David church did the review, then KJ would get what they wanted.
Nothing will Stop Mr. Neuhaus he believe bloc vote will help his political future.
Had enough yet? Too bad people voted for the slight campaign rather than the real worker, Roxanne Donnery. Shame on voters who voted for the slick slight of hand. Now look where we are.
And what's up with Stevie hiring a full time County Historian? Wait...what's her name? Johanna? Johanna Porr? So, the county suddenly has MORE history since Stevie was elected that we have to pay a FULL TIME historian? Or was it a political payback...NAHHHHHH!
It's not so much a problem with full time than what she is doing. Pub crawls and speed dating are not the duties of an historian.
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