Monday, August 8, 2016

Lakeside or Kenny go jump in the lake!

Dear Nieces and Nephews
Imagine this scene: A beautiful late spring evening in May/ The gold and silver strands glisten off the shimmering lake as the sun melts into the water, an idyllic scene that is perfect for you and your spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend and/or children. You have just finished dinner at a superb restaurant and you say to your companion "This was definitely worth the trip from the city, let's stay for the film festival".
  As you wait for the film to start, you are so relaxed because of this wonderful day spent in Belle Isle (aka Greenwood Lake) that you have suspended all disbelief.

Then, after the scene is set, you are confronted with something like this:
   or this: 

"Let's go. Is this some kind of a joke? This is a film festival?" you say to your companions,  planning to never return.

While some residents and elected officials of Greenwood Lake may be impressed, the tourists from NYC an Northern NJ will more than likely take offense to such films! Just think of the tourists and their families ending their idyllic day with one of Kenny's films! What a treat for the kids!

Oh, Yes  word will get around fast and do not doubt that Greenwood Lake and environs will actually accomplish the opposite of what the mayor set out to do: It will brand Greenwood Lake as a "super-hick" area to be avoided. "This is what passes for a film festival in this backwoods area". We can hear it now.

Mayor DeStefano was smart enough to realize this when Kenny's contract was up and came up with some rationale to avoid renewing. But what is wrong with the elected officials who think it is OK to pay tax payers money for Kenny's low grade films? Mayor Jesse, just who's Kool-Aid were you drinking?

Hasn't Auntie pointed out enough to illustrate the character of this so called Renaissance Man? An apparently unbalanced sociopath who may have even gone so far as to improperly report that he lives in Warwick to accommodate his run for Congress; a man who has claimed that the "Sobroken" Film Festival left NJ because of Superstorm Sandy. In fact, he has said this so often that even reporters have repeated it as fact because they either believe it (Repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth.) or they are tooo lazy to look and verify the facts. (and shame on them).

Superstorm Sandy hit NJ in October 2012 (Oct 10/29) after working it's way up from the Caribbean, (Oct 19th) It devastated the NJ shore, low lying levels in NYC and then wound it's way up the coast to New England. While there were peripheral effects on Teaneck in Bergen County NJ, the Cedar Lane Theatre did not close because of the storm. It did not close because people stopped going to the movies. It was one of the many theaters that closed under the ownership or management of one Nelson Page. (Please note that the only time there was a "Hoboken Film Festival"  with Kenny is when Nelson Page was operating the theater.)

The festival left NJ because Nelson did not have a theater to provide as a venue.
Nelson went to Middletown and Kenny followed.

This Greenwood Lake venue is a deviation from a pattern that has served Kenny and his "festival" well. so it will be interesting to see:

How Kenny will do without his mentor (Or stooge) or is Nelson still behind the scenes, this time, behind a tree?

What the connection is to local officials? Are they so duped that they pay for Kenny to have his "festival" in their municipality?.

Did Mayor Jesse even watch some of Kenny's films? Has Mayor Jesse spent more than five minutes with Kenny? (because that's all it takes to realize he is delusional).

Mayor Jesse: What were you thinking?

A partial list: Theaters operated and closed by Nelson Page. (in his name or the "Galaxy Theatre Corporation"; “Majestic Entertainment") Where Nelson went, so did Kenny and hiff.
Newton theater NJ closed by 2006
Kennedy Sq, Theater Lancaster PA 2002-?
Valley View Wayne NJ closed by 2007
Hudson St. Hoboken NJ closed by 2008
Lafayette Theater Suffern NY
Cedar Lane Teaneck NJ
These last two are interesting in that Nelson's involvement was intermittent:
Lafayette 2002, 2009-2013; Cedar Lane 79-82 bankrupt 99-02
Paramount Theatre Middletown NY 2010-present?
The research conducted by Auntie’s New Jersey Team member was done the old-fashioned way* The Team appreciates your time and efforts!!! Thank you!

*The Star-ledger, The Record, The Suburbanite, Borough of Teaneck public records, interviews with employees; The South Bergenite, Wayne NJ, Hoboken NJ public records; interviews with Hoboken city employees.Also NJ Patch. You may access them through; and the municipal websites but do realize that the electronic sources do not go back as far as 1978. This one goes back to 1985:



  1. Kenneth's movies reflect a disturbed side of a mind not fit for family night out. These blood/lust movies attract a certain type of following. Time will tell, sadly, if the Mayor has made a drastic mistake.

  2. Just think, he could have been our Congressman!!

  3. who's the clown? Ken? or the Mayor?

  4. CLOWNS are Neuhaus,Brabenec,Joe Joe,Ken is the biggest CLOWN OF ALL. This is your representives who represent YOU. Hear Neuhaus just hired his buddy JAMES BOOTH perhaps Stevy boy will keep Dubaldi,s position frozen till Dubaldi gets out of JAIL. Does a felony conviction bar Carmen Boy from COUNTY EMPLOY? WHAT job will Stenvy create for Brabenec perhaps Dubaldi,s job would fit just fine. Were is the U.S. ATTY?? O.C. needs a house cleaning.


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