Monday, April 24, 2017


Dear Nieces and Nephews

Your Auntie can hear you exclaim “What is this, Auntie? More sarcasm? You can’t be serious?” Well, your Auntie will let you decide after this latest missive.


Voting deludes you into believing that you have a say in the process of getting government officials in to their respective offices. But because the process is not executed properly, due to low voter turnout, you few, independent minded voters who turn out, do not make a difference.

When you review the recent village elections in Orange County and surrounding areas, who becomes Mayor is decided in some cases by less than 100 people in a municipality that has thousands of voters. Since it is widely known that the electorate is lazy, all someone must do to be elected or re-elected is to make sure their supporters come out in full force to decide the election: Mayor Roddey in Goshen and the retread Joseph  "I-did-not-threaten-anyone" D’Onofrio in Highland Falls (bringing that Village back 20 years e.g. no consolidation of services) are examples.

Look at all the retreads running for election in addition to Joe above! Eddie  "I-have-lotsa-money-in my-campaign-account" Diana, the man who almost destroyed Valley View, is back running for Town of Wallkill supervisor where he will apply the same financial prowess there as he did in the Valley View situation. Bill Deprospo, former Chairperson of the OC Republican Committee, is running for Orange County Court Justice!!! (Of course, he will be fair, all judges undergo a spiritual cleansing and transformation brought on by a secret ceremony! This is administered by Lady Justice herself, even though she is blind.) He will win because he has no opposition and all he must do is rally his supporters. Because of this and the low turnout, HE WILL WIN that seat!!! (And we can see Billy after that win, with PistolScam* on his gavel, dispensing his brand of justice religiously, especially against his opponents on or formerly on the OC Republican Committee.)

And then there is the Block vote. When you have a municipality that has a religiously directed, overwhelming advantage over the rest of the constituents, you might as well not bother to vote. How can one defeat the high voter turnout of those who do what the Satmar leader dictates? Look at Bloomingburg next door in Sullivan County!

Low voter turnout = no democratic republic


You may argue that the protests in the case of Valley View WERE successful and in one aspect you are correct, but it doesn’t stop someone who demonstrated a blatant lack of  compassion or fiscal responsibility from seeking re-election!!! You merely delayed the inevitable, Eddie will win the Wallkill Supervisor Seat and start all over again!!! And the Wallkill electorate are the losers. AND ultimately the rest of us in OC, because he will not stop there.

Sidebar: Why did Dan Depew give up the No. 1 spot in Wallkill for the appointed No.2 spot in Sullivan County? Was it to be closer to his good friend and Ambit Energy partner? Shalom" Federal-investigations-mean-nothing-to-me" Lamm?

CPV? Let it go! Sell your home and land! The days of the Shoreham Nuclear power plant are long gone. (Who in their right mind would put a nuclear power plant in the middle of a very highly populated area?) Due to the encouragement of the Governor at the time, the local muni’s did not adopt the LILCO evacuation plan (essential for it to be fully commissioned). The Shoreham plant was finally given the death sentence in 1994, almost twenty years later. Does the Protect Orange County gang realize that? And in a somewhat ironic fashion, Andrew Cuomo is doing the opposite of his Dad, who was Governor at the time of the Shoreham plant demise; by providing no assistance from the Governor's office. Also the $ 6 Billion cost of the plant was passed onto the taxpayers of Long Island, so another quasi-governmental utility, LILCO did not lose any money!!!

The Orange County Government Center redo? (Eddie won that one by proxy, a proxy carried by Steve) All that money for rebuilding something that did not need to be rebuilt. But don't worry, the contractors benefited because there were JOBS! jobs! jobs!  Legoland? Keep protesting you local Legoland opponents despite the fact that the BIG corporation from England by way of the Far East will win the day! (and here is another example of an extremely stupid idea, put a mega theme park in the middle of a town with a great deal of farms, wetlands and greenspace right next to a Victorian, historically-preserved village. Who does that? Someone corrupt or stupid!!!)

And if you think the “Free Press” or Media will fully call attention to the injustices and improprieties, perhaps you have not considered the influence of advertisers in the days of dying NewsPAPERS. Perhaps you have not considered that the local radio station is in Stevie’s pocket; the management there not only blindly supports Stevie Neuhaus, but also Legoland. **


We live In the Age of Corruption and Stupidity as evidenced by the actions of Orange County officials and higher, e.g.  NYS Silver and Skelos. Yes the Age of Corruption and Stupidity sprinkled with some Arrogance.

Is your Auntie speaking the truth? Or is s/he just being ironic? 


*If Pistol Cam was any indication of Bill Deprospo’s level of intelligence, then his career as a justice will be just as stellar. Who in their right mind would propose putting a camera on a firearm when you consider how sensitive firearms are? Who? Maybe they were the people from the Shoreham Nuclear Plant (LILCO) using the same logic applied in that situation.  BTW Billy is from Long Island.

**They mistakenly believe that Legoland will advertise with them, even though their listening audience is limited to people in the local area, people who know about Legoland already and have formed an opinion as to whether they will attend. Or not. What does such management really care about local residents? Nothing, they live in Northern New Jersey.


At April 25, 2017 at 7:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am appalled that Diana/DeProspo are running for anything in the political arena. They should both be run out of town and prosecuted for what they tried to do to Valley View and the residents and staff, not to mention the millions of dollars they doled out to a make believe company called OAS. These high profile men in the nursing home business, and one nick-named the "Closer" almost got away with this corruption. And now Diana wants to "get back to his political roots". And DeProspo is going to serve truth and justice when he refused to take an oath, along with friends??? How can these men ever be trusted, supported, endorsed, and guaranteed a WIN !!! This means only one thing... and you the people are just as corrupt.

At April 25, 2017 at 7:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And Auntie you forgot to mention another business venture of Mr. DeProspo praised by Diana: Diana counted it as a positive that this program is “available at no cost to the county” and its taxpayers.
The New York State Association of Counties will encourage its member counties’ veterans service agencies to market the program to their clients, said Steve Acquario, the association’s executive director.

Acquario learned of Smiling on America’s Heroes from Diana, which led to a meeting with DeProspo and his two partners in the venture.
(TH-R article).
I wonder... and so should every taxpayer in OC.

At April 26, 2017 at 3:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the chairman of the OC Democratic party stupid or corrupt??? Why aren't dems doing anything? Running candidates?

At April 26, 2017 at 3:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't others step up to run? Dems can't run candidates when no one will step up. If everyone who complained about a lack of candidates to choose from put their money where their mouth is and ran for office themselves, maybe we could change things.

At April 27, 2017 at 3:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And when the good people get into office the billys and eddies of the county make their lives miserable.
And there are no qualified dems anyway.

At April 27, 2017 at 3:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why dont you run?

At April 27, 2017 at 12:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

it doesn't matter whether they're in elected office being paid by taxpayers or on the sidelines - they're still controlling people and taxpayer's money.
what really drives these men to do the things they do?

At April 27, 2017 at 12:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

. . . . and who's the boss of bosses?


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