Sunday, January 19, 2020

Rename Game but Still the Same Legoland 2020

Dear Nieces and Nephews

In their usual display of insensitivity to the community, the Leaders of Legoland and their compatriots in the Local and State government have announced Legoland’s desire to bring more unnecessary change in Orange County, a road rename:

Legoland request to rename Goshen street ruffles feathers

GOSHEN – The leaders of Legoland New York in Goshen have smacked a historical hornet’s nest, with an effort to rechristen part of Harriman Drive as Legoland Boulevard near the park’s entrance.*

WHY are they doing this?

Reasons given:

The company is seeking the name change to create another landmark to help guests find the $500 million theme…*

This is so ridiculous it is almost funny! How could anyone miss a bright garish, multi-colour hotel or a Roller Coaster nestled in the wetlands immediately next to the highway?

Really, who would miss that? It is like missing one of those LED billboards on the side of Route 17.

Apparently the Lego people think that everyone would miss it or they think that people are so stupid they would not know what it is, even if they are looking for it.

Plus, Legoland Boulevard would “serve as a concise location for emergency services to quickly and efficiently locate any affected parties,”*

Harriman Drive is 0.63 miles long. We do not think our Emergency Responders are so stupid that they are not able to respond to an emergency along a road less than a mile long, despite the name!!!
Do the Lego Merlin upper elite have pictures of little Orange County residents running and milling about aimlessly, bumping into each other, waiting for direction from some unseen force?

Oh yes, the best reason for the name change: local governments in Florida and California did it! They gave way to the Legoland branding for their various municipalities.

Florida and California? .

That is reason enough to say “no”.

WHY are feathers ruffled? Or reasons against:

The proposal has riven residents, with some upset at what they call corporate insensitivity to the storied Harriman family, which has deep regional roots and a long list of local contributions.*

Who cares about history? We should be doomed to Repeat it. After all, Legolites assume we are incapable of learning, so let's show them they are correct!!!

The Goshen Town Board is scheduled to vote on whether to symbolically endorse the name change at its Jan. 23 meeting, after tabling a measure that Supervisor Doug Bloomfield proposed on Jan. 9.*

The Goshen town board is voting on this “symbolically” even though Harriman drive is a State road and such change is voted on the State level. Don’t worry, Doug is not nuts, this is the time honored 'secret' way of kissing a$$ and announcing to the world “hey, we support this” (Auntie and the Team wonder if someone gets more money if the Goshen town board uses such a public, yet, inappropriate way of influencing votes on the state level-inappropriate because such endorsement usually assumes the general public (you know, the people in Goshen) is in favor of it, when in reality, it is mostly the Town Board of Goshen and the OC Partnership that support the name change and the project in general. (representatives of the people? Nah!)

due to open July 4, Legoland Community Relations Coordinator Hayley Coriaty told municipal leaders*

Remember, this is the time of the Great American Weekendin the Village of Goshen; Race week at the historic track  (with the biggest events on that weekend) and multiple local holiday celebrations (picnics, barbecues) etc. to celebrate Independence Day!!!

Is Legoland trying to steal their business? We thought they were supposed to complement the existing businesses not compete with them? Whoops!

Well, don t be surprised, Legoland Merlin wasn't supposed to engage in unauthorized clear-cutting thereby creating ridiculous amounts of runoff and flooding; they were not supposed to pollute local waterways (not just soil runoff but also fecal coliform); they were not supposed to agree to mitigation and other items in the DEC Consent Decrees then immediately disregard such decrees by committing further environmental infractions!!! A $300k fine was apparently not sufficient punishment. $300K is a mere drop of water in their big bucket.

Don’t worry!

The Village of Goshen is geared up to even it all out!

They are going to rename the whole village…

wait for it…

Are you ready?

LEGOVILLE!!!!!!  Now that’s “branding”!  

Looks like a cute little elf, doesn't he?
DO NOT be deceived!!!

PS remember the tax monies forgiven, monies that will NOT go into the funds of local municipalities,
tax relief in the millions!!!

Good neighbors aren’t takers, they are also givers.

Legoland is not a good neighbor and they are not even open yet!


  1. thanks Auntie geat HOAX lego land is pulling off on slow motion Goshen. Aided by OUR elected officials.

  2. LEGO is going to eat this county up alive. This will be our legacy to be known for in history. Never more will the historic battlefields that helped form this great nation be honored.

  3. Harriman Drive should stay Harriman Drive and that cute little elf needs to be put on a shelf.


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