Monday, April 28, 2014


In discussing the increased responsibility of Orange County law enforcement policing West Point, Auntie Alibi had an image of the Sheriff Department’s boat circling the waters near West Point with Admiral Neuhaus at the helm; in his dress whites; barking orders and giving speeches about the benefits of an LDC to all the flora and fauna who would listen. (Why your Auntie is tying this to the LDC will become clear).

 It is nice to see Army and Navy cooperating.

STEVE SAID: that the county’s involvement with West Point is a “wonderful marriage,” particularly with the current superintendent, Lieutenant General Robert Caslen, Jr. (Isn’t that emotional?)

Auntie finds this very interesting. Just who is funding this stepped-up role of the County?

Now, regarding the LDC. Stevie was on his radio show today with the county attorney (good to have back up to answer questions re: the LDC) They both were saying that the CE DID MAKE PUBLIC THE POSSIBILITY OF AN LDC FOR VALLEY VIEW during his campaign. As we have mentioned in the past, the bit about the LDC was not front and center (sorry for the Army terminology, Admiral)

When asked by a caller why this LDC was “fast tracked” Langley, oops, Langdon stated that it “was not fast-tracked” and went on to explain the budget, powers of the CE and how the budget items placed by the CE have “the rule of law”. All of this desire to sell Valley View was started by Eddie Diana, he said. He then went on to explain how the CE DID make it obvious about the possibility of an LDC for Valley View during his campaign and then talked about the Ulster county model; how he was the attorney there for the LDC and blah, blah, blah!!!!

Then Langdon spoke of emotional arguments made for keeping VV. (Great way to dismiss a person’s point “You’re just being emotional…”) You know, the same thing that Karl Brabenec said on Steve's show last week. What is it with this crew and emotions anyway? Don’t they have any?

Let’s look at the second issue first: Despite claims to the contrary, the CE DID NOT MAKE IT CLEAR during his campaign that an LDC was an option. ALL of the campaign materials that were widely distributed made NO MENTION OF THE LDC OPTION. In ALL of his contacts with Veterans and Seniors, the CE made NO MENTION OF THE LDC OPTION. Does this (see campaign flyer below) make you think that the LDC is an option? I think not! Take a look:
(Sorry for the lack of clarity on this copy, but we have all seen this)
The only mention of an LDC, as your Auntie has pointed out in the past, was in the “Steve’s Platform” document, tucked away in some obscure portion of his campaign website. And you know, not everybody lives ‘On-line” so SHAME ON YOU STEVIE AND LANGDON!!! IT WAS NOT CLEAR and no matter how many times you say that it was!!!!

AS far as the answer to the fast track question, here’s the problem:

·         Eddie did not advocate for an LDC.
·         Steve has been in office for 4 months, appoints the attorney for Ulster County (where they formed an LDC) as his county attorney and Viola! Now we have a LDC!

4 Months? I’d say that was pretty fast!


At April 30, 2014 at 4:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You absolutely right.... I agree he was not open during his campaign about LDC, I think I remember Langdon saying on Mondays radio show that he said during an open public debate that an LDC deserves a look (trying to remember) well how many people attended or had time to pay attention to his jabbering. Fact is seniors got your picture (SWs mailer) in the mail and voted with that in mind... This is all horse shit and I hope the courts reverse the decision as illegal! Wouldn't be the first time OC had done something illegal ( 39 layoffs at valley view in 2009, Union won that one, county had to pay up!)


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