Monday, April 21, 2014

You are not going to believe this….

You are not going to believe this….

In the internet newspaper that is basically just another press release medium for the CE, Stevie Wonder is actually taking credit for the formation of the VV LDC!!! He was able to “persuade” the county legislature to create the LDC and transfer control to the LDC.
(Lessons on how to talk out of both sides of your mouth FREE!!! Call Stevie Wonder)

“I wasn’t elected to cut ribbons and talk about rainbows and hugs,” Neuhaus said.  “I was hired by the taxpayers to make difficult decisions and I am doing that and that is every day who I am looking at in the back of my mind when I am making a decision; its the taxpayers I am thinking about.” (Is that the Robot-voice in his head again?)

It gets worse. Today on Radio Steve:
STEVE SAID: “If you want to save Valley View, have the Union come with a real contract” (Union’s fault).

Steve Said that it was the legislature’s doing not his. (Legislators’ fault).

Steve Said that he had to show Moody’s “we were doing something” to improve our rating because our (the county’s) rating went down two notches and “will go down again in June” (Moody’s fault).

When a caller questioned him about Valley View and the real cost as opposed to other departments, Stevie Said basically that he had to start somewhere.

When another caller, a VV employee called, Stevie Said that “It will stay a nursing home” the caller correctly stated that he cannot guarantee such a thing since (with the LDC) it is now out of County Control, he said “the LDC will not close it” and then mentioned how he has some control over the LDC. However, he did agree to go have coffee at Valley View. Golly gee! That will fix things for sure!

The CE also had his good buddy, Karl Brabenec on Radio Steve today. Karl reiterated his disdain for the “Emotional arguments” made for keeping Valley View and went on to explain how he teaches emotional arguments v. common sense at SUNY Orange (OMG! he is an instructor at our local college?) He illustrated his point by criticizing how one person showed a picture of their mother (a Valley View resident) when they were speaking. Listen, speaker at public hearing: How dare you care about your Mother!!!! I wonder, did Karl like his Mom? Is this why he has issues with women?

Steve lauded Ulster County Executive, Mike Hein again today, not only for Hein’s use of an LDC to get rid of their county facility, Golden Hill but because of Mike’s sign that is on display:
“Government must change”

Yes, it must! Only 4 months into this administration and it’s time, RIGHT NOW! Are you ready to do some work, my dear nieces and nephews? Let Auntie know and we will get started on it!!!


At April 22, 2014 at 6:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder how our CE likes his coffee. I also wonder why he would align himself with someone like Karl. But then, they go way back together as do others of the YR some of whom have all been placed in the 'inner circle". And since showing emotion is a 'no-no', how dare then that pictures be posted of little blonde children (and another soon to be born) thus suggesting "emotions". Are only the young and healthy to be allowed to be emotionally oohed and aahed over...not the elderly. I mean, it is the same thing isn't it? Motherly love.


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