Monday, July 14, 2014

Some Words to Ponder

Auntie and the team have been getting nasty messages again from friends of Orange County officials . Apparently they do not like anyone who may disagree with these officials. Sound familiar? (See: WE MUST HAVE HIT A NERVE Wednesday, May 21, 2014) They are using insults, threats and other forms of verbal intimidation, posting them on the blog. Again, Auntie and the team decided that we will delete postings that don't meet minimum standards. (One would expect more from graduates of Skidmore, Carnegie-Mellon and SUNY)

Auntie would like to give you something positive to consider.

This is for ALL of you, no matter what religious status you may or may not enjoy. We hope that you give this serious thought. This is especially for the negative posters; the following may might help you escape the jaundiced vortex that seems to have enveloped you.

And to our elected officials, remember, the only thing you have to fear is your own behavior!


  1. Who is that comment aimed at? The OC Republican Ruling Class or Auntie and her minions?


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