Saturday, November 1, 2014

Can you say "Conflict"?

My Dear Nieces and Nephews, how confident would you be if the very person with whom you must discuss your candidate petitions, was openly supporting another candidate as the Chair of a political party? (e.g. primary) How confident would you be if this person, by the very nature of the political process of appointing Board of Elections Commissioners, was responsible for appointing her boss the B of E Commissioner, since she is the Deputy Commissioner?

Welcome to Orange County Politics!

Why do we have a Deputy Commissioner that not only does what is indicated above, but also EMBARRASSES her party with juvenile name calling? Why is that commercial about baloney still getting air time? Was she not embarrassed enough to have it pulled? 

Courtney embarrassed? Guess not.


At November 2, 2014 at 3:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

She's not the only embarrassment to the party. Isn't St. Sen. Larkin appearing in an ad for Sean Patrick Maloney an embarrassment?

Vot Smith For Congress Row 6G. Totally independent of either party.

At November 2, 2014 at 4:27 PM , Blogger Chris Pawelski said...

Why is lark in's appearance an embarrassment? I give the credit, it takes guts to do what he did. Maloney has done a good job on Veterans issues, including his VA Backlog bill and his constituent services, and he has worked with Larkin.

Hayworth was the embarrassment when she refused to be bi-partisan and actually work with her Dem colleagues for the benefit of the people she was elected to serve.

And regarding Smith, I find many of his positions to be simply ill-informed and silly, and I find his immigration positions disturbing:

It's because of his stuff Hayworth started appealing to the knuckle draggers on this issue both in the Baloney commercial and that very gross mailer she sent out.

Smith is naive and he would be even worse than the just as experienced Hayworth was when she took office in 2010.

At November 2, 2014 at 6:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't you think Courtney should be removed from the Board of Elections if she continues to be the chairperson of a political party?

At November 9, 2014 at 9:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Courtney definitely should be removed. She is soooooo conflicted. And almost everyone knows that any non-sponsored candidate that drops off petitions prompts Courtney to get on the phone and talk to whomever is pulling her strings.
Glad I don't run for office in Orange County.

At November 9, 2014 at 3:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heard that she may have to resign as County Chair of the Republicans but did not hear why. Auntie, do you have any info on this?


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