Sunday, November 23, 2014

Leadership 101- Not!

My Dear Nieces and Nephews, what an interesting week! On Thursday, just after a tumultuous meeting for the County Legislature, the Democratic Party Minority Leader, Jeffrey (“Jeff”) Berkman announced that he would not seek the leadership post next year.

JEFF SAID: “It is time for new leadership to step forward,” At least he didn't use the cliché of "spending more time with his family".

And just prior to that on Wednesday, our frightening and fractious forerunner, Steve Neuhaus aka Stevie Blunder, pens a little missive to Mayor DeStefano of Middletown. (Does Steve realize the Mayor Joe has been friends since childhood with the “prior administration” of Eddie Diana? Does Steve realize he is implicating Mr. Mayor as a political thug aka Boss Tweed? Funny how Steve feels the need to attempt to get Mayor Joe to do the work that he-Steve- is unable to accomplish himself that is, convince legislators of his plan's merit .)

In this letter, Steve, illustrating great leadership skills, again, starts off by blaming the prior administration (remember, friend of Joe) for the financial shape of the county and also refers to correspondence inked by the Mayor, indicating that he would love “to engage in long tern partnerships with all three of our cities to keep important services in each…” Steve also mentions how “innovative partnerships” with Touro would benefit Middletown.  Steve then goes onto explain municipal budgeting to the Mayor (at least he had the courtesy to say “As you know…” and does the same “As you also know…” in the next paragraph where he explains the tax cap.)

Steve mentions the “widespread community support” for his budget that does not fund Valley View and then says: "However, this was not enough to convince some members of the legislature, including Legislators Berkman and Paduch, to support its adoption” Sounds like the Dems were adhering to their position of supporting Valley View, right?

The letter also implicates the Mayor when, back to the first paragraph Steve states “Unfortunately, despite your sincere and ongoing efforts, two of the three legislators representing Middletown rejected the plan (to sell Valley View) and failed to offer any realistic  alternative to balance the budget.” (Yeah, that financial guy, Legislator Anagnostakis, did not offer a realistic plan, that’s why your budget was voted down).

Is Steve suggesting that the Mayor was supposed to strong-arm some legislators? And what Steve states in closing is most disturbing:

Doesn’t look good for Mayor Joe. (And a lease for two decades? Who does that?) But Auntie does not believe that the Democratic Mayor of one of our cities would be politically naïve enough to do Stevie’s bidding.

And as far as Berkman is concerned, wasn't it Jeff who suggested moving 120 beds from Valley View to Touro? And quite possibly, Jeff can share the expertise he gained as the principal for JDB management and Towne Terrace Partners LP. with the folks at Touro. And when you look at the proximity of the Towne Terrace Apartments to Touro, maybe Jeff can assist all of those promising medical students and professionals with finding a home. After all, it would be nice, if all of these medical students and instructors could enjoy walking to school and work, just like on the walking trails Zupnik of Focus Ventures proposes for Valley View.


Ain’t life grand?



At November 24, 2014 at 6:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

God love ya Auntie. The truth will out.

At November 24, 2014 at 8:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We should be wary anytime we hear a politician say "Public/Private Partnership". This always means a business and a government entity will conspire to profit at the expense of the taxpayers.

At November 24, 2014 at 8:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, it's that time of the year -- I hear all the little kiddies starting to sing the song:

You better watch out,
You better not cry,
You better not pout,
I'm telling you why:
Preet Bharara is coming to town!

He's making a list,
And checking it twice,
Gonna find out who's naughty or nice.
Preet Bharara is coming to town!

He sees you when you're sleeping,
He knows when you're awake.
He knows when you've been bad or good,
So be good for goodness sake!

OH!...You better watch out, You better not cry
You better not pout, I'm Telling you why.
Preet Bharara is coming to town.

At November 24, 2014 at 10:04 AM , Blogger Auntie Alibi said...

Now, that's clever, on a few levels. Just what your Auntie enjoys! Thank you dear nipote.

At November 24, 2014 at 11:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So now we see that the CE is a "kiss and tell' type of guy laying bare the inner workings of his attempt to gain the votes of Berkman and Paduch. Wasn't Middletown supposed to get all of the DMV offices and all of that money Goshen used to get when the DMV was in the GC and was supposed to bulge the coffers of Middletown? That didn't go too far and now he has cemented the votes to keep Valley View by telling us all that Mayor Joe was strong arming the two city Legislators so if they now vote yes they will in fact tell their constituents that they work for the Mayor and NOT their constituents. Dumb move! Dear Steve, you must realize that Mayor Joe, unlike you, had many years in the political trenches and for you to give him up was suicidal on your part. One word of advice to you young man, when you light that stick of dynamite, don't hold onto it. BANG!!

At November 24, 2014 at 2:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eddie & Mayor Joe friends since childhood? Not likely given their age difference, and walking from Town Terrace to Toro is not exactly a walk in the park these days, just read the local rag or police blotter, your choice. Lets see who the Deems come up with as a leader, maybe a mudslinger beholden to csea finds the stones, instead of mud ... time will tell.

At November 24, 2014 at 6:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe not since childhood but they have been friends for a looong time. And the 20 minute walk to Touro is not that bad unless you are saying that the neighborhood is dangerous, are you.
And Jeff, he will make his money not by renting but from selling the property, to a group that would like the high density housing with water and sewer availability.

At November 25, 2014 at 5:34 AM , Blogger Chris Pawelski said...

At November 25, 2014 at 8:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone now see why they wanted to close the Newburgh and Port Jervis DMV offices and move them to Middletown !!!

Glad that a few of the Legislators made a big stink about this and forced them to stop the closures.

At November 25, 2014 at 3:26 PM , Blogger Chris Pawelski said...

At November 25, 2014 at 3:57 PM , Blogger Auntie Alibi said...

Thank you, Nephew!!!


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