Christopher's Legoland Story
Dear Nieces and Nephews
Normally your Auntie does not like to post on holidays, however it seems appropriate to post about jobs and money matters in the County on Labor Day.
Auntie has been checking the authenticity of letter writers in Goshen who pose as residents (when they have a business, not a residence in Goshen); those who support the establishment of Legoland in an environmentally sensitive and already traffic-congested area. One such letter was in the THR over the weekend. Christopher Smith owns a house in Goshen and has done so since 2008. It is on the other side of Rt. 17A from the Legoland site.
On Saturday, Christopher Smith’s letter in support of Legoland was based on the premise of creating business opportunity(ies) in Goshen because of the "multiplier effects" (from the jobs that will be created.) Chris states: “Working people spend money in the communities and surrounding areas they live and work” Additionally, Chris states: “New businesses sprout to serve those folks as well as the many that will be coming from outside of our county. New businesses bring more property and sales tax revenue.”
This “jack in the beanstalk” theory is quite amusing in it’s naivete. (or is it arrogance, in that we are expected to believe it?) Oh! the magic that will ensue because Legoland will be in Goshen!!! The high paying Lego jobs will cause people to revel in their good fortune and spend mega dollars in Goshen. There will be high end luxury retailers on every corner to meet the demand. The Woodbury Common will feel the pressure and up their ante by having another expansion, which will be approved based on the same premise. Valentino, Gucci and Dior will not be able to meet the demand from the now prosperous Goshen!!! Everyone at Legoland will have Rolex watches and Coach bags! And the streets will be paved with gold!
Hopefully by now, you are attuned to the level of sarcasm that Auntie and the team employ occasionally. And hopefully you realize that the rationale for Legoland in Goshen, has fallen apart.
There will be no magic beans as a result of mostly lower paying jobs and the mistaken belief that those employees will spend! spend! spend! And the belief that customers bringing their little tykes to the wonder that is an amusement park based on building blocks, that they will pass up on the food offerings inside the park to go to the Goshen diner, is as believable as expecting having a fair election season in OC this November. (Sidenote: Isn't it just adorable when the very ones who engaged in negative campaigning, are the ones calling for a campaign without such negativity?)
The reality seems to be, that the only ones making money off this deal, are the ones not loudly proclaiming their anticipated largess.
Legoland Windsor
Legoland Florida
Legoland California
more dining options, take a look!
Yup, the Pizzerias and the Diner in Goshen will get more business from all of those hungry Legoland goers in search of food!!!
more dining options, take a look!
Yup, the Pizzerias and the Diner in Goshen will get more business from all of those hungry Legoland goers in search of food!!!
Excellent retort to Chris. He drank the Lego Cool Aid.
Yes. Because employees do not patronize any businesses located in their job's area. Some people can only work part time. Your elitism is disgusting. Maybe you should step down off your throne and ask a commoner in this area, instead of assuming that no one in a 25 mile radius wants or needs this. The only thing that has fallen apart is your grasp on the reality of your 'neighbors.'
I'm sure you are going to delete this, but your arrogance and elitism is more than I can take. Hoping for tax relief and a increase in business revenue is not thinking Gucci will show up on every corner. Many people in Goshen need both spouses employed, many with two jobs, and have to commute many miles just to pay their tax bill. Not everyone can be as rich as my Antie Alibi, (or my Uncle Alibi who likes to hides behind a women's skirt) And please tell me which is it, is no one going to venture into the village to spend money or are all the street going to get clogged with traffic?
Perhaps, yes, as a retire cop you can get a job in security or the food court. But in reality, if you have the skills, such as in IT, management, accounting, etc., the pay is commensurate with positions elsewhere in OC. It's nice to have jobs for our kids during the summer, or perhaps, such as the case with you, as a retiree to get some pin money.
Does this mean that legoland IS providing jobs for teens? Did someone promise a job for your kid?
Looks like Auntie struck a nerve.
Good debate on facts is healthy on this issue. We must sort out FACT from FICTION an decide is LEGOLAND going too enhance GOSHEN??????
I agree with the previous comment that a respectful, civil debate based on facts and well articulated is what is needed. Mr. Smith did that. Unfortunately, the subsequent responses and "jack and the beanstalk" nonsense are irrelevant, immature, noise and ignorance. Such sad commentary is harmful to the anti legoland position
Looks like Auntie really struck a nerve.
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