Sunday, July 20, 2014

And Now, the Government Center, AGAIN and what Stephen Said

Stephen said: “Use the FEMA monies elsewhere as reimbursables because if they are used on the government center, then we have to have the state agency of historic preservation involved in a 106 process, so by using that money elsewhere, whether it is for equipment or elsewhere, we can get the office of historic preservation out of the equation and we don’t think there will be as many obstacles with going with BB-plus,”
This statement reeks of flim-flam.  And yes, Stephen, you make sure to get rid of that pesky state agency that likes to preserve buildings of historical interest. Who needs history? 

Perhaps someone who is repeating the mistakes of other political leaders?

The 106 process to which you refer is not the onerous obstacle that you would like us to believe. From the SHPO website:
“The Environmental Review program is a planning process that helps protect New York's historic cultural resources from the potential impacts of projects that are funded, licensed or approved by state or federal agencies. Under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and Section 14.09 of the New York State Historic Preservation Act, the SHPO's role in the review process is to ensure that effects or impacts on eligible or listed properties are considered and avoided or mitigated during the project planning process. In addition, the SHPO advises local communities on local preservation environmental reviews, upon request, under the provisions of the State Environmental Quality Review Act. - See more at: (SHPO is working in conjunction with SEQRA)

And if the County Executive was doing his job, he would have meet the deadlines and been communicating with SHPO and FEMA; following up on what was generally known by everyone in the county but you and the CE. Don’t you comply with SEQRA as Montgomery Village Mayor? Didn’t the CE follow SEQRA as Chester Town Supervisor?

But let’s go to the real thought process on the part of our leaders that the statement reveals: WHY? A simple question, why can’t the government offices stay where they are? (Everyone is comfortable there including the CE, who is rumored to have installed a state of the art gym in his office despite the 20-40-60-million dollar deficit!) Why not sell the Rudolph government center to the group that wants to preserve it, thereby generating more revenue than the sale of Valley View could ever generate and closing that mystery deficit! AND it would bring people back to the Village of Goshen for the businesses!

The sheer audacity of it all!

On one hand we have a deficit and must sell a nursing home (which has been proven not to be the big drain financially that the CE would have you think.)

On the other hand we elected officials who want to spend money on unnecessary construction.

Spending money for the infirmed, Seniors and Veterans is not ok

Spending money for new construction is ok. 

So, Steve and Stephen, do we have a dire financial outlook or do we still have the capability to bond new construction?, which is it?   


Stevopolis: bigger than Eddieland   


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