Saturday, May 9, 2015


Dear Nieces and Nephews,

In NYS, the Department of Environmental Conservation bans any type of outside burning from March to May. 

Good thing! considering the dry environment and other conditions that support combustion, as shown by the recent forest fires on the Shawangunk Ridge area in neighboring Sullivan and Ulster Counties.

So, what’s this?

Lag Ba'Omer Bonfires (Lag Ba'Omer in 2015- May 6-7, sunset to sunset)

In May, During the “Burn Ban”, from 2013

Flag burning

Animal abuse
“In order to prevent ill treatment of animals at bonfires, dozens of volunteer veterinarians patrolled the country’s celebrations. The vets worked to prevent animal abuse, after several incidents of puppies and kittens being thrown into bonfires were reported in previous years.”

So not only is this bonfire breaking the law as far as burning (unless they do indeed have a population over 20k); this practice is endangering themselves and threatening the health and safety of their neighbors.

And if the practice of sacrificing helpless puppies and kittens by throwing them into a fire occurs in NY in the 21st century, then they really and truly should not be allowed this bonfire. Animal sacrifice for any religion is not to be tolerated in a civilized society and should be punished!!!

When are our public officials going to apply the laws equally?

Probably never. Not when this happens:

 Like father, like son, (the Governors Cuomo, Sheldon Silver) but it’s not just democrats…

 George Pataki and Eddie Diana (far left)

On April 3rd in the Village of Kiryas Joel NY, State  Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos with  the Leaders of Agudath Israel of America visiting Satmar Grand  Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum  who thanked Mr. Skelos for his help on the  passing in the budget the TAP  program for private yeshiva’s

NY Assemblyman Dov Hikind, a coalition of leaders from Agudath Israel of America and leaders of the Satmar yeshiva in Kiryas Joel have worked together tirelessly for years to make rabbinical students eligible for The TAP tuition budget approval, which will provide qualifying students with as much as $5,000 per year.

“Torah ideals guide us to be loyal citizens in our country of residence, to respect our elected leaders and to pray for their well-being and prosperity.”(Abe Wieder Letter to Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney 2-24-15)                

It seems the Village of Kiryas Joel has scored a 93%!!! But not in the “loyal citizen” category, Loyal Citizens obey the law and are considerate of their neighbors. Loyal Citizens do not engage in hostile takeovers of the neighbors land and tell them it's inevitable. Loyal Citizens do not lie by omission.

Exodus 20 2-17 You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant, or his maidservant, or his ox, or his ass,or anything that is your neighbor's.

This is a link to the annexation SEQR documents:
 and it reminds us of another commandment: 

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.


At May 10, 2015 at 5:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG those poor animals! What can we do to stop them?

At May 11, 2015 at 7:18 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are they given special permission to light up for religious reasons. Isn't that their usual. And shouldn't Rocky's Law apply? Oh I forgot, they do not have to follow our laws.


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