Monday, June 29, 2015

KJ Responds to Something but not the DGEIS

Dear Nieces and Nephews, it just gets more and more interesting. Residents from the Village of Kiryas Joel and the potentially annexed area submitted comments to the Lead Agency for the 507 Annexation, aka the Village of Kiryas Joel. And, as evidenced by the comments, the signers just don’t comprehend what is happening here.

Perhaps they simply believe what they are told by the village “leaders”.

How sad, because questioning your government is the sign of a functioning democracy and people who think.  (Actually “Democratic Republic” is more accurate in our case, but for the sake of discussion, we will use the term “Democracy”)

The letters were in the form of “templates” signed by KJ residents in the following groups:

As husbands and fathers; as Wives and mothers; as CHILDREN; as Students

And there were Memoranda of Support templates signed by some residents in the area to be annexed.

There were also comments from the Village Administrator packed full of fun and irrelevant data.

The overall theme in these letters is the cultural and religious needs of the Satmar: to live close to their families to celebrate holidays etc and the need for services which they claim are not available in the annexation area now. None are legitimate rationale for annexation since the potentially annexed area does not exclude these.

In NONE of these bits of correspondence, does anyone address the Environmental issues such as water/sewer, traffic analysis, accurate population growth figures, additional run-off, zoning and the cost of additional social services due to almost doubling the size of the Village, should the annexation go through. 
And as we have mentioned in the past, to use children for political gain is unconscionable! Does a child understand what is written in the letter they signed? No, Daddy and Mommy told them to sign (probably with a warning about fighting the mean people who don’t want them to be safe) and they just did what they were told.

Below is the “husband and fathers letter”.


What truly is the reason for this annexation?  We don’t see the reason(s) in this letter.         

“Serve the overall public interest of the area?” How? It serves no one’s interest but KJ’s.

That’s not it.

Affordable housing? Apartments in KJ are $50,000 to $100K more than everywhere else in Orange County.

 So, that’s not it.

Serve the religious and educational needs of his community? You can do that now.

So, that can’t be it.

It couldn’t be tied into the money that each parcel owner will pay to the village, now would it? (millions of dollars)

That might be it!

Remember what Auntie said last time, let’s look at WHO is saying this: 


Teitelbaum?  Wieder?  To whom do the “fees” collected from each landowner go? Surprise! To the Village Leaders!!!

OK, that’s not a surprise.

Aron Teitelbaum is The Grand Rabbi of the "mainstream" in KJ. ("dissidents" follow Zalmen Teitelbaum.)

It is interesting to note that Aron married Sasha Hager, daughter of the Vizhnitzer Rebbe, in Israel, especially since Kiryas Joel NY is right next door to Israel, close to her family.

But there is something about these letters that may serve a greater purpose.

The letter signers attest to their marital status as husbands/wives, Mr/ Mrs. If Orange County District Attorney David Hoovler is sincere about prosecuting social services fraud, he should cross reference the names here to those receiving benefits, to see if the “unwed mothers” are not also signatories as wives.  Just look at their applications for social services. (

DA DAVE can also get assistance from the Diana appointee for Medicaid Fraud Investigations, William L. Deprospo Esq (Deprospo was appointed in four other counties as such.)

So how about it DA Dave? Or do you only go after Hispanic and African Americans?


At June 29, 2015 at 8:43 AM , Blogger Chris Pawelski said...

The kjseqra link is a dead link.

At June 29, 2015 at 9:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

All signatures on FORM letters are hardly legible, some not dated. The list only includes 110, some of which are comments from the actual meeting. I definitely agree these letters should be investigated as none seem to represent the actual percentage of letters files accept from within KJ. The reporter who wrote this article is a disgrace for publishing such an arrogant, undocumented newspaper article.

At June 29, 2015 at 4:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

still live

At June 30, 2015 at 6:15 AM , Blogger Chris Pawelski said...


At July 3, 2015 at 3:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a farce, but totally to be expected. In a community where
religion and politics are so deeply entwined, of course, one would expect template letters signed by people who follow their leaders. The block vote does not happen by accident either. People are handed printed cards before voting that tell them who to vote for. For many who cannot read English, one wonders if they even knew what they signing?

At July 4, 2015 at 6:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you know that the Grand Rabbi Teitelbaum gets $10000 for each apartment constructed? No wonder he says be fruitful and multiply!


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