Tuesday, June 16, 2015

More Lovey DOVey

Dear Nieces and Nephews, last time your Auntie presented information on Assemblyman Dov Hikind from Brooklyn and his extreme agitation because of what he saw as "prejudice" at the annexation meeting.

Assemblyman Dov Hikind has served the 48th Assembly District for more than three decades as an outspoken advocate for his constituency, battling discrimination, anti-Semitism, Holocaust denial, and human rights violations. Elected in 1982, Mr. Hikind honorably serves the residents of Borough Park and Midwood. For the last 32 years, he has committed himself to addressing the immediate concerns of his constituency and is proud to advocate on their behalf. Mr. Hikind also frequently receives calls for his leadership on issues which involve the greater Jewish community.http://assembly.state.ny.us/mem/Dov-Hikind/bio/

You would think that a man who claims to be concerned about prejudice against Jewish people would be equally concerned about prejudice overall, wouldn't you?

Which doesn't explain this:

Dov Hikind, with his wife and son, at a Purim party
wearing a basketball jersey and blackface. Photo: Facebook 

And this was in 2013!

You would think that ANYONE alive in the 21st Century would know that you just don't do "blackface" anymore. And the basketball jersey? the wig?

Guess his sensitivity about prejudice ends at the door of the African American community. 
Hypocrite: noun (http://dictionary.reference.com) 

1.a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs. 
2.a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, especially one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.

The shame is that he has been in office for three decades because of the block vote.

Guess which block vote?

If this is the best that KJ is able to provide as an advocate and representative, then they really do not deserve further consideration in the annexation and pipeline matters.

And it would be nice if they actually addressed the environmental issues instead of putting forth a fluffed-up non-relevant DGEIS.

It would also be nice if they stopped polluting the environment on a grand scale.


At June 16, 2015 at 6:24 PM , Blogger Chris Pawelski said...


At June 17, 2015 at 8:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe they put up with his nonsense in NYC, but Dov is definitely not welcome in the Hudson Valley. This guy has been in office way too long and is a shining example of the need for term limits.
He may be a NYC politician but he is in the STATE assembly and has an affect on us in the Hudson Valley. We cannot vote for him or an opponent, the only way to remove him is TERM LIMITS

At June 17, 2015 at 7:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG that clip from the Daily Show says it all, "It's OK to be a racist on Purim"

At June 17, 2015 at 8:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow!! And this is the person who stands up and accuses anyone who disagrees with him or his views as being anti-Semitic, Nazi-lovers, Holocaust sympathizers, racist and other vile names--- without knowing them or hearing what they have to say? Just labels anyone who disagrees with him by such names.

Isn't I it strange, and sad, that people who cry out the loudest and accuse others of being racist cannot see the racism in their own behavior? What else can one say?

At June 18, 2015 at 9:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A big thank you to the Kirays Joel Alliance who took out a full page in June 18th's Record to combat vile and false accusations against anyone who disagrees with the leadership of that Village. Thank you for standing up and speaking out for the equal rights of all to voice their views. Thank you for being a part of, not apart from, your neighbors.

At June 18, 2015 at 10:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where to start. Gosh, it is hard to believe that elected official Hikind acts and speaks the way he does. He certainly does not bring positive attention to the people he represents. He seems full of hate for anyone that is not like him or does not see the world through his eyes. Quite sad.

At June 18, 2015 at 10:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just finished reading the above posts --what an eye opener.

Don't mean to get off the subject as this issue is very important, especially in light of recent events of the church shooting. Racism and intolerance are scary and dangerous things.

But I do hope Auntie will be addressing the article in Thursday's
Record about the mismanagement, inflated cost overruns and disgrace of those not doing their homework about the Valley View Nursing Home. I, like many others, am steaming about this. No wonder certain high County officials did not want to testify under oath before the legislative committee investigating the facility. There should be an investigation now about where all the taxpayers money went.

Thank you legislator Mile Anagnostakis who knew all along that the finances figures were rotten to the core. Thanks for those Democratic legislators who did not buckle under pressure and insisted that the facility would not be the drain claimed if it was run properly. Shame on those Republican Legislators who followed the party line, didn't ask questions or look out for the taxpayers' money.

And people should not forgot that Roxanne Donnery never believed the phony numbers either. We sure could have used her as County Executive this past 1 1/2 years--- about Valley View, Kiryas Joel. Given the history on Valley View for the past 12 years, if you believe what you are being told about the Government Center and what is will really cost to renovate it, I have a bridge to sell you.

At June 19, 2015 at 5:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is not about republican or democrat, Mike Anagnostakis is a republican. And Roxanne while on the right side was not really the right choice for exec either.she would have spent 4 years battling the legislators in both parties too much to get anything done.
But anyone would be better than steve

At June 19, 2015 at 8:45 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was at that hearing and Anagnostakis was the only Orange County Legislator who is not even from Monroe to speak out against the annexation, as he has done for over a year now, and that says something to have only ONE out of 20 legislators saying anything at all during this last year!!! He simply does not do as the inside powers want, he is always on the side of us! I thank him for Valley View and for his anti-annexation stand!


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