Carmen Incarcerati
Dear Nieces and Nephews
We certainly do not have a shortage of "interesting" characters here in Orange County!
Let's go back to Carmen Dubaldi, who was sentenced one week ago to 1-3 years in prison for each of the 3 counts of third degree Grand Larceny, but served consecutively. He will be eligible for parole in...wait for August of next year!!!. His parole hearing date would be in February 2017,a mere seven months from now!
looks more like "Are you kidding me?"In fact,the lawyer looks more upset than Carmen (left) does.
Let's hope that one of two things, or both, happen at that parole hearing. One, that the victims of these crimes, (such as Senator Larkin who correctly reported Carmen's infractions and then hired forensic accountants to correct his campaign filings), appears before the Parole Board to reaffirm the seriousness of of Carmen's crime and calls for no leniency. Two, That the parole board takes into account the words of Judge McLoughlin when he pointed out that Carmen had numerous turning points where he could have chosen to steal or not steal and he chose the former. Carmen needs to serve his entire sentence.
Next stop for Carmen, Civil Court!
Betting people say Carmen will be out in a month
I've seen his "are you kidding me" face and that ain't it. The joy that the writer and her readers of this blog get at Carmen's expense is sickening. Yes, he made horrible choices and committed crimes, for which he is paying ~ and will be paying for the rest of his life through loss of freedom, reputation, employment / future employability. Yes, he created this situation, but deriving joy from the misery of another human being is just plain disgusting and a shining example of what the hell is wrong with this country. Don't bother attacking me for my opinion (which I suspect you'll delete anyway), I won't be back to this lynch blog.
it's not the country it's SOME of our elected officials like Sheldon Silver an his ilk who use their positions to further their life style. Dubaldi, is a thief bottom line. He is were he belongs in a NYS JAIL CELL.
Should we feel sorry for this criminal? C'mon 4:17 am postpeson he is where he belongs and what about his attack on Bonnie Brennan, CD is nothing short of a evil person.
Time to do the time Carmen, hope you are up to it.
Start lifting weights or play crazy, it may save you in prison. Too light for heavy work, too heavy for light work.
Carmen doesn't have to worry about employment when he gets out next year, Steve is holding the county job for him. You can be convicted of a felony and still be employed by the county.
Your tax dollars at work!!!
The 4.17 poster sounds like the people who defended Karl after karlapolooza..."he made horrible choices.."
Lets see who is on Dubaldi,s vistor list. FOIL??? When traveling on I84 by Down State Facility wave to CARMEN.
Lets see who is on Dubaldi,s vistor list. FOIL??? When traveling on I84 by Down State Facility wave to CARMEN.
If Steve keeps Dubaldi's job open, the Republicans can forget about getting elected for the next 25 years.
To 7:47:Carmen who?
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