Sunday, October 9, 2016

Who is the Real Jimmy O?

Dear Nieces and Nephews

Auntie and the Team are most interested in the candidates for the only county legislative race this election season. In Goshen, we have the incumbent Phil Canterino, who was appointed to fill the vacancy left by the flight of Shannon Wong. He was approved by the mostly republican local boards responsible for the appointment. Phil enjoyed their full support over Jimmy O’Donnell at that time. We think this made Jimmy mad, fighting mad. But when Jimmy fights, you don’t know it until you’re blindsided.

Fast forward to 2016 and look at the role reversal. Now, Jimmy is the fully endorsed and fully backed candidate by said republicans and Phil, who lost to Jimmy in the primary is running on, wait for it…the Democratic line! With their backing!  You see Phil did not tow the line on the sale of the mysteriously valuable land around VALLEY VIEW! Phil used reason and logic to defend his position and they don’t like that. Auntie and the Team wish him the best of luck!

So now, Jimmy, with the love and kisses of the bullies and the brainless that are in the majority on the local republican committees (and you democrats, don’t get so high and mighty because some of your committees are quite similar) Is running for the spot he lost to Phil a couple of years ago.

Let’s take a look at Jimmy’s background and “resume”.

It seems his Dad, John O’Donnell was the big boss in Gaelic Park (Bronx) at one time and was also known as John “Kerry” (he was from County Kerry- that’s in Ireland for those geographically challenged) He was not the owner of Gaelic Park as most people thought, but he leased the park. The park, currently owned by Manhattan College, was owned at the time by the MTA! (Metropolitan Transit AUTHORITY- the one that taxes residents of counties north of NYC for services they don’t use.)

John “Kerry” O’Donnell had many political connections including labor union chiefs, former governors and Paul O’Dwyer, the one-time City Council President, NYC’s Commissioner to the United Nations and John O’Donnell’s “longtime lawyer”. Paul O’Dwyer was also husband to Orange County’s own, Pat O’Dwyer! (She was wife #2).  Would this have any effect on Jimmy’s employment?

In the 1990’s Jimmy was in the NYS Troopers, retiring in 1997 as Lt Colonel. He took about a year's hiatus, from his law enforcement career. He was working for his Dad at Gaelic Park, where he was seen scowling behind the bar. Next up, he was then Chief of Police for the MTA! (Metropolitan Transit authority) until 2003. He sojourned into Orange County Government at the behest of the former County Executive, (the one just before “Chuckles” Neuhaus) as Director of Operations after he lost his bid for Emergency Services Commissioner job to Walter Khoury.

Next on the political fast track for Jimmy was to become Eddies Orange County Administrative Officer in 2005.  (He was appointed with the “rubber stamp” of the OC legislature)

EDDIE SAID “I will be submitting Mr. O’Donnell’s name to the County Legislature and I look forward to their confirming his appointment at their next meeting,” (or else?)

The OC Administrative Officer position became available after Catherine Bartlett Esq. (“loving?” wife of the erasable and enigmatic William DeProspo, former OC Republican Chair) left because Gov. Pataki appointed her to the Court of Claims as a sitting Judge.  (She was just re-appointed to another 10-year term by Democrat Gov Cuomo) strange bedfellows?

Jimmy was ultimately appointed to Deputy County Executive under Eddie, a newly created position, just made for Jimmy!  He was instrumental in implementing Eddie’s master plan which included selling VALLEY VIEW.  

“GOSHEN - If the Orange County Legislature doesn't vote to sell the Valley View Center for Nursing Care and Rehabilitation on June 7, it's as good as voting to close it, Deputy County Executive James O'Donnell warned the Legislature's Health and Mental Health Committee on Tuesday.
        He said the county would begin the closure process the next day. All of the residents would be guaranteed by law places in other facilities within 50 miles of Valley View, O'Donnell told the committee. The shut-down process would begin by prohibiting new admissions”

This is the man who is currently bringing cupcakes to the residents of Valley View and hosting barbeques. He is touting his support for keeping the facility under County ownership!!! We guess a great deal has changed since 2012. (Biter beware: your cupcake may have an eviction notice in it.)

While he was the Deputy County Executive, he was the Executive Director of the Orange County IDA and maintained that position for a while, even after his resignation as Deputy County Executive in 2013. He joined the board of directors of the Hudson Valley Economic Development Corp. (HVEDC) in 2012.  and was already the Executive Director of the Foreign Trade Zone. He appears to be Vice Chairman for the Newburgh Armory Unity Center., under Founding Chairman, William Kaplan the multimillionaire, accused of being a liberal who influences elections.

Also look at Jimmy’s resume on Linked In where he lumped all of his Orange County positions under the title “Deputy County Executive”, with no mention of Director of Operations and Administrative Officer.


And he forgot to include his self-appointed position as Ombudsman to Legoland when he went on a recent fact finding trip to Legoland California. Who paid?

So, Jimmy comes from an Irish immigrant family that joined the democratic party and Jimmy registered in a party (Republican) around the same time he was appointed to County Govt. Quite a change! In fact, he has changed a great deal during his career, supporting the closure or sale of Valley View, not supporting closing/selling; being a big supporter of Eddie Diana, then not being a supporter. He is Mr. Vacillation!!!

Don’t let him outside if Hurricane Matthew strikes the area; the big winds will make him change his mind so much that his head will spin more than the water buoys at Jones Beach.

As far as Jimmy’s efforts to close or sell Valley View back in 2012, do you really think he changed his mind? Or is he jumping on the currently popular bandwagon? Can you trust this man to think on his own? Or will he just be the enforcer for whomever is pulling his strings at the time?

And as bad as Steve is, do you want to go back to the days of Eddie Diana? If you are that silly, then by all means vote for Jimmy O’Donnell. A vote for Jimmy is a vote for the wind, an ill wind of the past.

 See? Even Jimmy knows he is two-faced




At October 9, 2016 at 1:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very interesting compilation of facts. I feel just as outraged about Mr. O'Donnell when he was on the Diana bandwagon as I do now that he is on the Neuhaus squad. Guess his opinion is predicated on who can offer him the most in return for what he is willing to sell out on. Mr. Canterino answers to his own conscience and set of ethics which is not conducive to being a 'team' player. Very important to be on the Dream Team.

At October 9, 2016 at 1:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Auntie thank you for your enlightenment very revealing at best appears more to Mr. Odonnell then meets the EYE. Make no mistake Odonnell has his EYE on Neuhaus's position or Orange Co Sheriff. Watch your back Stevie an Carl oh yea Under Sheriff Jones WABTABE SHERIFF.

At October 11, 2016 at 5:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. O'Donnell represents the past and the worst of the OLD regime. The people of OC have worked hard and long to try to erase the damage done in the days of Edw. Diana. We look forward now to the efforts of a new and better form of representation in the OCL.

At October 11, 2016 at 3:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

VOTE for Philip Canterino!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At October 13, 2016 at 7:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vote for Kim's Dad!


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