Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Legislative Laughs or Humour in the 21st Century

Dear Nieces and Nephews


Queen Katie?

The suggested changes to the Pay to Play Law did not go through last Thursday. According to Legislative Chair L. Stephen Brescia there were not enough votes for the new law to pass. Republican Majority Leader Katie  Bonelli still expressed concern about the legitimacy of the 2013 Pay to Play law, which limits the contributions to County Executive Noodlehaus, and expressed that she will be looking for state legislation to "sanction" Orange County’s law. 

WHAT? State law does not “sanction” local law. 

We were going to provide a list of suggested reading, but decided not to do Katie's homework for her. 

And, besides, we will use it later. 

When a LAWMAKER does not understand or purposely misrepresents NY State Law and it's relationship to local law, we find it unconscionable that such a person is holding public office.

Such incompetence or malfeasance* should be rewarded with immediate impeachment! Katie Bonelli is beyond the pale.

And dear nieces and nephews, don’t forget to keep on the lookout for more activity on this even though we were assured by L. Stephen Brescia that the replacement or substitution of the current law will not be pursued. Katie does not have to worry because she can always rely on support from Palm Tree as she did this past election with the last-minute votes from districts in Monroe. 


The above voting districts in Monroe gave last-minute support to Katie, bringing her results to 55% or so. Prior to that point, her opponent, newcomer Stephen Hunter had garnered 60% of the vote. As you can see, only a wayward few in those districts voted for Mr. Hunter.   

Party of One? Your table is ready! 

King Quid Pro Quo?

Mike Amo is getting a raise!!! He will now receive an additional $6625.00 in his royal coffers for being a legislative party leader. Back in 2008, the legislators decided that you had to have at least 2 more members in your "group" to be a “leader”. But ten years later, the legislators recognize the importance of a leader with no one else to lead. And he caucuses with the Republicans, so it appears that he gets more money and they get his support for those issues requiring a super majority. The good old Ram-it-down-your-throat form of government is just beginning anew in Orange County NY.

And when the lone Independence Party candidate was running for OC Legislator this past November, where was Mike Amo? Assisting this fellow party candidate? Nah? He was supporting Republicans.

He knows where his bread is buttered. In the Republican kitchen.


It pays to play in Orange County.

*"the performance by a public official of an act that is legally unjustified, harmful, or contrary to law; wrongdoing (used especially of an act in violation of a public trust". dictionary,com


At March 11, 2018 at 3:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Both are crooked
crooked as they come!


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