Monday, September 24, 2018

Poor Steve

Dear Nieces and Nephews

In traditional Orange County style, the legislators of our fine county have deemed it necessary to increase their largess by a significant amount. And the “spokesperson” Legislator Katie Bonelli adopted Steve Neuhaus’ usual “blame everyone else wah wah wah” explanation.

Legislator Katie Bonelli, the Republican majority leader, argued at the meeting that the raises were justified by the past pay lag and the improved economy, and said lawmakers wouldn’t be in the position of raising salaries in mid-term if the county had stuck with the pay formula from a 2004 consultant’s report. 

Wah wah wah!


The raises, which must go before the full Legislature for approval on Oct. 4 and would take effect in January, include a $26,000 increase for County Executive Steve Neuhaus, bringing his salary to $208,000; (THR Thursday, as above -boldface ours)

Look closely and think. 

When did you ever, in your working career, receive a $26K pay increase?

$208,000!!!! $208K is higher than the salaries of any of the Governors (considered independently) in the US!! Governors that have a great deal more responsibility than the King of Stevie’s playland and his court jesters 

According to the US Census, there are 12.6% of OC residents living in poverty 

And Steve needs $208,000? For WHAT? for when he talks about jobs he has brought to OC. You know, the jobs that pay less than $25K/year or just under poverty level for a family of four.

Steve, why don’t you go to the City of Middletown, where there are clusters of people living on poverty wages, and explain to them why you need $208K! Go to Newburgh, where 33% of the people are living in poverty, see what they think about your raise. 

Will you donate a portion of your salary to help those in the county less fortunate than you? (tithing is usually 10%) Will you at least pay for their entrance to Legoland since they will not be able to afford the entry fee? (and don’t forget to pay for their taxi rides to and from Newburgh to Goshen) 

Where can a politician earn more than the governor and much more than the average citizen? In Orange County!

Michael Amo, County Legislator, should he receive a raise for being a party leader? Does Michael have to read all submitted documents once as a legislator, another time as leader, then discuss in his caucus?. No, he caucuses with the Republicans, who have a leader and he is the only one of his party in the legislature!!! (Has Michael Amo taken lessons from Simcha Felder, the NYS Democratic Senator who caucuses with the Republicans to insure a republican majority? Do our Legislative Republicans yield to Michael’s whim as does the NYS Senate Republicans to Simcha?)

Getting paid twice for the same thing, isn’t that “double dipping”?

The greed of our County leaders is overwhelming.


At September 25, 2018 at 12:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At September 30, 2018 at 2:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...



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