The Right to Swing Your Fist Ends at My Nose
My Dearest Nieces and Nephews, in these politically disingenuous times, it is refreshing to see an elected official write with candor about an event and not be afraid to speak the truth. We speak again, of Legislator Mike Anagnostakis because he "gets it right". And while we really are not his Official Fan Club, we do like his chutzpah!
Please read the following letter he submitted to local newsletters regarding the scoping session for the Village of Kiryas Joel.
Submitted Wednesday, 08 October, 2014
you still do not understand what problems currently confront the Town
of Monroe – and for that matter, all of Orange County – then all you
needed to do was to go to the recent public scoping session held in
Kiryas Joel.Upon entering the lavish and opulent Bais Rachel Paradise Hall in KJ, you would have been faced with signs directing people to sit in the “non-KJ” seating area and the “KJ-seating” area.
In other words: Seating was segregated on one side of the room for Hasidic people and the other side of the room for non-Hasidic people. If you are not outraged by this – you should be! And, the Town Board of Monroe sat on stage in complete support of this travesty.
Imagine if a meeting was held in the City of Newburgh, and they reserved seating for African-Americans on one side of the room and all others on the other side of the room. OUTRAGEOUS!
I thought the struggles of Rosa Parks, the Civil Rights movement and the U.S. Constitution, had put an end to such situations many decades ago. There are one set of laws that should apply equally to all of us. We are all AMERICANS.
Laws should apply equally against religious, racial, or gender, segregation! Laws should apply equally for fair elections! Laws should apply equally for environmental protections!
One group of people should not try to circumvent laws to try and get land to change zoning restrictions. One group of people should not be able to take water rights away from other people in Cornwall and Woodbury. One group of citizens should not be able to grow at the expense of other citizens of our County. We are ALL Orange County citizens. We are all Americans and we should all live equally under one set of laws.
Andrew Jackson said it best: “We desire nothing but equal rights and equal laws for everyone.” Some of us are proud to fight – to our political death, if need be – to make sure these principles prevail in Orange County!
Mike Anagnostakis
Orange County Legislator
While we appreciate a COUNTY Legislator considering the impacts of an issue on the County as a whole and foregoing the tired parochial attitude of only looking out for their own district, Mike does not represent , Cornwall, Monroe or Woodbury directly. So the question is this: where were the representatives for Cornwall, Monroe and Woodbury on this issue??? Mike is absolutely correct, this is outrageous! Discriminatory Seating? One side for Satmar Hasids the other side for Non-hasids? That is just as horrible as gender discrimination; one side for men and one side for women!
Oh, wait! KJ does that.
In the 21st Century.
It is very easy for an elected official or anyone, for that matter to dismiss the growing disenchantment with the Satmar Village of Kiryas Joel, as "prejudice". There may be some who are indeed just that, but in reality, water, sewer and density are not religious issues. They are human issues. And last time we checked, we are all human. But when a particular group shouts about 'prejudice' to skirt around the law or impose their lifestyle on their neighbors in a hostile takeover, well, you can understand people's frustration. "KJ gets away with it" due to the politicians that cater to the "block vote".
As Mike says, the law should apply equally to all communities. Wow! what a concept!
Here is something for consideration. If you need walkable communities to suit your religious practices and because you do not let your women drive- just like in some middle eastern countries- why not populate an already 'walkable community'? Its called "a city". Why start in an area without the resources when there are cities that are already walkable with established water, sewer and other infrastructure and services? OH NO! It makes more sense to start in an open field next to a farm and turn that into a city!
So, where were the representatives for Cornwall, Monroe and Woodbury? Why are they not speaking out about the annexation issue? Why are they not going to the scoping session meetings and making their voices heard?
Maybe we should ask them.
And don't be afraid to do so. After all, you don't need their vote, they need YOURS.
And you can do this from your side of the room.
Representing the Town of Blooming Grove, Village of South
Blooming Grove, Monroe and Woodbury
Representing the Village of Monroe and the Town of
Representing Cornwall, Blooming Grove and New Windsor
District 14 - James DiSalvo
Representing the Towns of Highlands, Monroe and Woodbury and the Villages of Highland Falls, Harriman and Woodbury.
Representing the Towns of Highlands, Monroe and Woodbury and the Villages of Highland Falls, Harriman and Woodbury.
District 1 Michael Amo
16 Summit Avenue
Central Valley, NY 10917
16 Summit Avenue
Central Valley, NY 10917
Representing the Village of Kiryas Joel, Monroe and
Don't forget to Vote!
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of
religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
I agree that we are not "the official fan club" of any particular legislator but the question should be why is Mr. Anagnostakis the only legislator who speaks to the issues of interest to the majority of the citizens? Has any other legislator, including Brescia, Bonacic, or Berkman, evaluated Valley View finances or the county budget in the depth Mr. A has? No. They ALL sprout the party line. No independent thinking allowed in OC.
Good point above. I think your answer may be that they do not have the ability to do so. Sorry state of government that we have such poor quality going into goverment.
Regarding the seating arrangements and other facets of the lifestyle of the religious settlement of Kiryas Joel. Perhaps they do not consider themselves "Americans". They are living as stated here, as do other European countries which do not adhere to our Constitution and our Bill of Rights. Yet they repeatedly use our laws and the benefits they receive to let their lifestyle flourish, legally at our expense. I have no illusions that this is their right, to live in America, home of the free and the brave, but we do not allow discrimination in any form to take hold and root anywhere. There is no place in America by any "American citizen" to "segregate". To sit by and allow this to happen, after much blood has been spilled worldwide, is a disgrace. Even more for any politician who would stoop so low as to take even one vote from this bloc. The mere fact that this one OCL repeatedly speaks out on behalf of not only this immoral example of what is wrong in not just OC, but in NYS as a whole, and Wash. DC should raise the hackles on the backs of every person in office. A complete investigation of this society should be in order. Religion is a privilege to be practiced freely. Corruption of that religion is a punishable offense. It is a CRIME.
Relative to thee above photo VOTE AN VOTE OFTEN.
Onteeee. Who is the real JOY JOY? Only the shadow knows soon to be outed.
Hello Auntie. I do not know how to submit a press release to you, so I'll just put it here.
For Immediate Release: October 12, 2014
Contact: Dan Castricone: 845-659-6419
Brabanec and Tutini “No Shows” at News 12 Forum
Castricone: Are they afraid to answer questions
about their Kiryas Joel support?
Tuxedo-New York Assembly candidate Dan Castricone blasted his two opponents for refusing to show up at a News 12 forum taped Saturday afternoon. Castricone is running on the United Monroe Line, and is opposed by Republican Karl Brabenec and Democrat Elisa Tutini.
“Seriously, what are they afraid of?” asked Castricone. “That somebody will mention they owe their primary victories to KJ’s block vote? That they might be asked their position on KJ’s plan to annex another square mile of land in Monroe? That they might be asked their position on KJ’s plan to build another square mile of high density housing in the heart of southern Orange County?”
“If they can’t stand on their own two feet and defend their position on annexation, or taxes or spending or property tax relief, how in heaven’s name will they ever stand up to the iron fist of Speaker Sheldon Silver?” asked Castricone.
“News 12 is a widely watched program, and voters deserve to hear from the candidates who hope to represent them in Albany,” said Castricone. “I am happy to accept any invitation to share my views with voters or to debate my opponents. It is becoming clear that neither Brabenec nor Tutini will say the same.”
How is this allowed in America in this day and age. And why are these politicians doing nothing about it? Can someone answer that for me?
I saw this letter-to-the-editor the other day in the Woodbury newspaper and I think also in The Photo News newspaper, that Legislator Anagnostakis wrote, and my wife and I wonder why he is not running for higher office.
We wish he did and I think everyone that I know likes him and I think the people would elect him.
VOTE THEM ALL OUT OF OFFICE, thats the answer
My Dear Nephew Dan, the reason they would not debate you is because your level of intelligence is far above theirs. You would only serve to illustrate that in a debate. Karl only knows one thing and that is "Stay on point; go back to message". You, on the other hand know how to do something that seems to be a rare commodity these days: THINK!!!
We wish you success.
Auntie Alibi and the Team
It is a sad state of affairs that Woodbury has lost representation in the County. Without Roxanne Donnery as a County Legislator or County Executive, we have no voice, no protection and no support at the County level. Mr. Neuhaus' slick public relations firm and big bankroll along with the Kiryas Joel block vote carried the election for special interests and left the general public, including residents and Valley View, out in the cold. Remember the campaign rhetoric about Valley View, stopping the KJ pipeline, stopping annexation? Less than a year after the election, all broken promises.
When a municipality is divided amongst a number of representatives, there are some "Gerrymandering" types that say "That's great, now you have 3 representatives for your town (village etc)"
But what usually happens is that the representatives' attention is divided and they will focus on the municipality that is the majority of their district, so, instead of "more representation", the opposite is true.
Yes, Woodbury is lost in this shuffle,none of the reps concentrate on Woodbury: Bonelli focuses on Blooming Grove, DeSalvo concentrates on Highlands and Amo, well, we all know where his priorities are!
We don't have much hope of getting Amo out of office come election time (unless he IS living full time in Saratoga) but Bonelli and DeSalvo, puppets that they are, have to go!!!
Neuhaus reneged on his promise to keep Valley View in operation by the county.Neuhaus is a bold faced liar.The sick,infirm and elderly have no rights or say in their own future.It isvevil and reprehensible the actions of Neuhaus and his cohorts.
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