No Un-FOS Need Apply
Dear Nieces and Nephews,
The County Executive has
been taking some heat this week regarding new-hires for the County.
It seems that Stevie
Thunder now requires ALL applicants, from janitor to social worker to RN, to meet privately with
him (or someone from his office) as part of the process.
Seems a bit excessive,
when you think about it. Does the Governor meet with (excuse the expression) “Lower
Level” employees? Can you imagine what a backlog he would have? “Er, excuse me,
I could not go to the legislative meeting to discuss pending legislation because
I was interviewing the cafeteria worker applicant". (Not to poke fun at
Cafeteria workers but they are more suitably interviewed by the Cafeteria
It is equivalent to having the Captain of a Naval Vessel cooking the food for his crew.
It is simply not his job.
What is the Reason, hummn,
Stevie? The real one. Is it what Legislator Eachus states in his “My View”
The County Executive has
also been criticized because of WHO he hires. Most of the management positions
are filled with FOS. (Friends of Steve) qualifications be damned!
The newest FOS:
FOS: Outgoing Mayor, City Of Poughkeepsie in Dutchess County
Nice jobs if you can get them.
(take note: more on the Dutchess connection later, hint D.P.)
Nepotism seems to be the republican mantra.
This is not exclusive to Republicans, so don't get so high and mighty.
Can you say Spitzer? Smith? and there is more.
We should go after all wrongdoers in government no matter what the party.
Very interesting MY VIEW in today's TH-R by the CE titled: NO POLITICS IN ORANGE COUNTY HIRING. He still does not explain WHY, but instead praises himself to the hilt. His best reason for this new mandate came directly from him "I am doing it because I can". (on-air quote).
What about Anthony Zambrotta, who reportedly was a Neuhaus selection for a position @ the Department of Social Services. Word on the street is Anthony either did not pass the civil service test for the position or did not score high enough. In effect he lost the job. He has, however, landed on his feet into another Orange County position @ the Office of the Aging. Auntie, when you get a moment, would you look into this FOS and see how much his salary was at DSS and what it is now, that Steve has been able to find him another job. Steve is certainly assisting with job creation in Orange County!! Just sign up with FOS. If this continues we can expect declining unemployment in Orange County, for at least the next 2 years!!
it's not only FOS happening it's also FO Annie Rabbitt the County Clerk. She gives people out of title pay that she wants in the positions, instead of taking them off the civil service list. HR said this is ok since she wasn't filling vacant positions. I know this for a fact because it happened to me, (had union involved with HR). Heard recently that she just gave out a lot of promotions but 2 girls are still getting out of title pay. One girl is not even on the list for the Grade 8 position. They are very creative when they want a yes person for the job whether they are qualified or not. I seen the writing on the wall, so I took the early buyout to save my peace of mind and health. It's a shame how the orange county govt has gone downhill since Team Orange took office. I'd love to know how many other depts have similar problems.
Annie a victim? She is a hellion, never a victim. How long was she an Assemblywoman and never made an issue of the vile practice of double dipping by "legislators." SHE was/is part of the problem, never the solution.
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