Sunday, April 16, 2017

Dream Team

Dear Nieces and Nephews

First, please forgive your Auntie for not writing sooner. Auntie and the Team have been taking time to enjoy the holiday season! We hope that you been doing so as well.

We are compelled, however to comment on recent events in county government because of the actions of Orange County’s “Dream Team”, the overt self-aggrandizement of this so called “dream team” and the same from former elected officials.

We are not surprised that Mr.” Valley View is killing our Budget” Edward Diana is running for political office again! We are pleased that his “liver transplant” was successful and that he is feeling well, however, Auntie STRONGLY recommends that he retire from public life including any boards such as the IDA.
And we are not surprised at Steve Nehaus, who  on the same day that he announced his reelection engaged in a campaign PHOTO OP! (He posed with an OC  911 dispatcher and the family whose baby was saved by our dispatcher, implying that he had something to do with it. What has really raised Auntie’s ire is DAVID HOOVLER!!!

You see, even though he was associated with the County Executive Steve “Chuckles “(yes, he is doing it again) Neuhaus, we actually thought that David was doing a good job. He has been spearheading several initiatives and has brought the DA’s office into the modern age (e.g. app for mobile phones) to assist the public. But this week, we see that he is just engaging in Focused Campaigning: Marketing 101.  His opposition to the raise the age law when it is clear that he is not familiar with it; his photo ops at the NRA banquet, Operation family ties drug sweep, Operation April Showers (really?) drug sweep and using Safe Homes as a political tool, is serving the purpose of getting his name out there.  And having a DA that is so overtly partisan should cause you Dems to run away screaming.

Yes, it is absolutely amazing how many drug offenders have come to light in an election year: 

What is interesting is that most of those arrested were “minority” males with one European American male and two European American females thrown in for good measure. And their names, town/city in which they live and the “Top Charge” are all neatly presented along with photos.

These people have been ARRESTED, NOT CONVICTED and will probably have basis for a lawsuit if found to be not guilty. But, do not worry, David is smart enough to pick on people with limited income so that will not happen.

What is the purpose of publishing the names, photos and personal information of those arrested? Why, to make an interesting PHOTO OP in a campaign year!!!

OH David, fool us once shame on you, fool us twice shame on us.

There’s more! Next, we will see the rest of the “Dream Team” as they are paraded out in the public eye! Sheriff DuBois and County Clerk Annie Rabbitt. * will be out and about frequently.  Imagine the happy PHOTO OPS as they are seen at local fairs consuming apple pie, standing next to a cow, calling for enforcement against Mad Cows and their kind and telling the uninformed that “We are for you all the way!”

All members of the FOS team will reinforce how they want to preserve the quality of life in Orange County while they simultaneously act to destroy it. There are more “opposing factions” in the county now than ever before, even more than those under Eddie Diana, who almost destroyed the county!

Are you going to let this group destroy our county?

These are not the actions of a Dream Team. They are the actions of a megalomaniac** with a Pipe Dream” and the spineless officials “who go along to get along”.


What is this? Prep for a Grand Jury appearance? Civil or criminal? do tell!!!


Is this one legal?

** from
Psychiatry. a symptom of mental illness marked by delusions of greatness, wealth, etc.
An obsession with doing extravagant or grand things. 

increase of one's own power, wealth, etc., usually aggressively.

P.S. Just think: if Deprospo wins the Orange County Court seat (and he will since no one is running against him), Katie Bartlett Deprospo continues as Acting Supreme Court judge and Eddie wins the Supervisors seat in Walkill, the old gang will be back!!! And there will be dancing in the streets and bars all over Orange County!!!! Just like the good ol’ days!!! (This is Ultimate Sarcasm -for the UN-initiated)

Do these retreads ever go away or will they cast their dark spell on us forever?


At April 17, 2017 at 12:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does this mean we get to see the big bus come out and take Team Orange to all the photo ops. Will the big "D" be allowed on too. Another 4-yrs. of the good ole' days in the new OCGB.

At April 18, 2017 at 10:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, Auntie! Where to even start!

Dave Hoovler, Mr. Straight-and-Narrow, dropped a police brutality client when he was in private practice because he was about to run for DA and needed to secure the support of PBAs. Stand up guy!

Steve Neuhaus had four years. What has he accomplished? A lower unemployment rate? Right, because the rest of the country hasn't seen the same. He's an empty suit and, the sad part is, he knows it.

I can't wait until he runs for higher office and the video of him taking body shots out of the stomach of a young woman surfaces at an Association of Towns party.

At April 19, 2017 at 6:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

After reading this latest entry, another 4-yrs. of the Dream Team, and the old guard setting up camp (Diana should be banned from politics) there will be nothing left of OC. I can see no progress whatsoever in all the promises made during the last campaign, except jobs given to FOS and positions created for such. What can he promise for an encore. Fools will vote for him again with a little help from well use your imagination. Whatever happened to those 60K little fishes. And do we really need 12K vegans from Amy's cult coming to OC once a year, with the possible 400 every weekend. Is this the best deal our CE could make for JOBS that will be given to WHO!!

At April 19, 2017 at 3:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

jobs for fos!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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