Friday, August 23, 2019

Legoland seeks wetlands disturbance permit

Dear Nieces and Nephews

Auntie and the Team were just digging into lunch when someone blurted out the above headline from today's THR. Before your Auntie verbalized a response, someone asked:

"Why do they need a permit? They have been disturbing the wetlands already!"

We all had a quick chuckle because of this humorous jab at the Legoland project, however, the seriousness of the situation led to more sobering thoughts.

28 or so violations from the Department of Environmental Conservation, the Otter Kill and other waterways running brown (and not just from mud) and the "officials" from the Town of Goshen and Orange County are silent.

And by their silence they are complicit.

They not only need to speak up, they need to stop this monstrous company of Legoland- Merlin Entertainments from destroying our county.

They need to Stop Legoland!

After all, who believes the assurances from the overseer of "brown water comes from the unusual rainfall", Matt Besterman.

Here are some words to look up, Matt : hurricane, flood and storm
and if you are feeling adventurous, try this one: prevaricator

All are for STEM credits

STEM in this instance should mean:

And please note: the culvert digging was being done TODAY.

How did Legoland get a permit sooo fast?