Monday, August 4, 2014

Steve Radio Babblethon

Dear Nieces and Nephews,

Auntie is going to strongly encourage you to listen to Stevie Thunders radio program on Mondays' at 9 am. In his stream-of-consciousness broadcasting style, if you listen in between the unconscious portions, you will find quite the little pearl or two.

Today, the theme was basically protecting the borders, discussion ran from E. Bola virus to the children trying to cross the border en-masse. Steve and his guest said "stop it at the border." When the discussion turned from Federal issues to Federal Representatives, STEVE SAID: "I think Maloney" (referring to which candidate will win the Congressional race.) Funny thing for a supporter to say, especially since Nan's Orange County HQ is in a Building owned by big time Neuhaus supporters!!! What team spirit!

Your Auntie as a child had a dollhouse with little figurines in it. And your Auntie would talk to them and tell them what to do. Since your Auntie has grown up, she realizes that this imaginary world is not reality. But not everyone makes that transition. Is that the case with Nan? Has she either reverted to this childhood fantasy world at best, or at worst, never left it? Her HQ is a dollhouse of sorts, filled with live figurines that do her bidding. That is the little house to which we referred above. The little house in Chester.

Back to the radio: The conversation did drift to Orange County issues when STEVE SAID: that (re: Nan) "it is possible to win without the KJ block vote, and I got it (the block vote) because my opponent was vehemently opposed to KJ, so I guess they had no where else to go..."

Oh Boy Steve, you put your foot in it this time.

So, you did not actively SEEK the KJ vote?
So, you did not MEET with the leaders of Kiryas Joel?
So, you did not accept campaign MONIES from KJ?

And you did not make promises to the leadership of KJ regarding Sewer expansion in Chester? 

You did not do any of this through one of your loyal surrogates?

Would you put that in writing?

You see, Steve, your Auntie knows.

And Steve, was your opponent against KJ or was it more likely that she just did not go to KJ and ask for their blessing?

Please keep broadcasting, Steve. Auntie and the Team will be listening. And so will our Favorite Nieces and Nephews, after all, we are in this together!!!



At August 6, 2014 at 4:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nan may put up a better fight since she got the independence party line, but she will not win. Folks here in orange county remember her not doing what she said she would do and also remember the way her office handled people's concerns.
At least Maloney's staff will answer you and do something.

I don't think anyone can win without KJ's vote

At August 6, 2014 at 5:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did Maloney take a stand on ANYTHING since he has been in office?
How many Town Hall meetings, open to the public not invited guests, is he going to have while home on recess?
I'm no fan of Nan but Maloney is no great shakes as a Representative.

At August 7, 2014 at 5:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just love it when people pose as "Oh, I am not a fan of nan" but I am going to criticize Maloney because they really are one of nan's little figurines!!! hahaha, nan and her doll house figurines think we are stupid.
Auntie, this post was one of your best!!! And G#d help us if nan gets back in!

At August 20, 2014 at 6:58 PM , Blogger Chris Pawelski said...

Hayworth has zero tangible accomplishments in behalf of the district. Not a single one. For years on numerous FB sites I have challenged her drones to name a single tangible accomplishment and up to this day, on the NY18 FB page in response to former Hayworth employee and Greenwood Lake Mayor Jesse Dyer, no one has been able to answer that challenge.

Maloney has faults, but he has delivered in behalf of the district and his constituent services are leaps and bounds better than Hayworth's was. Go on his press page and read example after example after example. The Pojo editorial board mocked Hayworth for all she could list was the "hosting" of 2 job fairs.

I represent ag interests. I don't care about political party. If you are a friend of farmers and look out for and fight for ag interests you are a friend of mine. For years I have worked with Ben Gilman, Annie Rabbitt, Eddie Diana, Bill Larkin, Sue Kelly ... and on and on and on. My thorough disgust with Nan Hayworth has nothing to do with her political party. It has to do wight he fact she was a dreadful Congressional Rep that was dim, dismal and unwilling to serve her constituents and district, even after much of it was obliterated by a Hurricane. As I said at the time in an op-ed in the Goshen Chronicle, she let us "drown in the mud."


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